Playful Basic Research

Funded by the German Research Center, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) “Micro Cold Forming” at the University of Bremen understands how to explain their complex topic in an easy-to-learn playful way: They have just developed a new learning game called “mikromal Mobil”. The clever app features an entertaining illustration of special physical effects on the micro scale that play a role in the production of smart phones, hearing aids, and automobile components. The app for Android devices was developed by two students on the master’s program “Games” at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) in collaboration with CRC 747. The “mikromal Mobil” app is a free download from Google Play Store.

Cleverly overcoming obstacles

The learning game programmed and developed by students Johannes Deml and Andreas Gaschka originated from an idea they received from the CRC’s lead scientist Professor Frank Vollertsen. In the course of the game, the players are confronted with and get to know the obstacles arising from physical effects encountered in the micro range. They are able to overcome the obstacles by choosing the right sized ball. For example, the players are able to cross an abyss with the smallest sized ball by making use of adhesive force and moving it across the ceiling.

Ideas developed during lab visits

Andreas Gaschka and Johannes Deml were able to develop the idea further during lab visits when they were able to talk with the CRC researchers. The learning process is only appropriated by the players in an indirect manner. Deml und Gaschka say that “Transforming the physical effects in the micro range into a compelling game seemed like an exciting challenge”. The students developed the app in the HAW’s Games Lab with the aid of Professor Gunther Rehfeld. Professor Rehfeld teaches on the master’s program Contemporary Media / Audio – Vision – Games at the HAW Hamburg and has many years of experience of education in the field of game design.

CRC breaks new territory in science communication

With “mikromal Mobil”, the Collaborative Research Center 747 is breaking new territory in the area of science communication. Besides the classical elements of public relations and communication like lectures, exhibitions and school children’s campaigns, it explains the industrial process of micro cold forming to the public at large via playing the app on smartphones and tablets. The app was developed in the CRC 747 communication project “mikromal”.

What is “mikromal”?

“mikromal” is a subproject of the University of Bremen’s Collaborative Research Center 747 “Micro Cold Forming – Processes, Characterization, Optimization” that focuses on the advancement of young researchers, PR and communications. Besides holding exhibitions and regular events in connection with “Kids Day” and “Weltretter-Tag” [Savior’s of the World Day], the project team organizes school projects surrounding the CRC’s research topic. The aim is to make the process of micro cold forming better known and to interest high-school students in engineering technology.

For further information, please contact:
University of Bremen
Collaborative Research Center 747 Micro Cold Forming
Malte Behlau (“mikromal” project coordinator)
Phone: +49 421 218-58022
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