Re-Establishing Psychology at the University of Bremen

In today’s fast-moving society the demand for psychologists is steadily increasing and many young people choose to study psychology. Nevertheless, a while ago the fate of the subject at the University of Bremen seemed to be sealed. As part of the drive to consolidate the University’s budget, Bremen’s draft Science Plan 2020 marked the department down for closure – not least due to the retirement of some professors.

But it was not to be. Students, members of the department’s staff, together with the pro-active support of the University leadership brought about a change of mind. With what result: The subject of psychology at the University of Bremen is now being rebuilt. University President, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, succeeded in securing the assistance of several renowned consultants in the field to move the subject into the ‘reset’ mode. The subsequently formed commission put forward recommendations to re-establish the Institute of Psychology at the University of Bremen and the project is now in the process of implementation.

University President Bernd Scholz-Reiter is delighted at the way things are progressing: “We have created all the necessary prerequisites to make the subject of Psychology fit to face the future. My thanks go to the external experts and to the committed actors in the Faculty.”

The Institute of Psychology will have seven professorships

The external advisory commission comprises the professors Amélie Mummendey (University of Jena), Johanna Eleonore Weber (University of Greifswald) and Professor Reinhold Kliegl (University of Potsdam), all renowned representatives in the field of psychology. They have recommended structuring the study field with the following seven professorships:

  • General Psychology
  • Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics
  • Social Psychology and Work & Organization Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Research Methods and Evaluation as well as
  • Developmental Psychology and Pedagogical Psychology
  • Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology

These professorships will build up an undergraduate bachelor’s program in Psychology based on the guidelines issued by the Psychologischen Fachgesellschaft [Psychological association] as well as a master’s program with a specialty in psychotherapy. Later, in close cooperation with the research areas “Minds, Media, Machines” and “Social Transformation, Social Policy, and the State”, the University of Bremen will develop joint interdisciplinary masters’ programs.

Present status and procedure

The professorship “Developmental Psychology and Pedagogical Psychology” has reached the appointments stage and Professor Manfred Herrmann has already been appointed to the professorship “Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology”. The five other professorships will now be advertised. In the Appointments Commissions, the professorial functions will in each case be assumed by a member of the expert commission, external professors in the field, and a university member of the research area “Minds, Media, Machines”, respectively “Social Transformation, Social Policy, and the State”.
BU: In 2014 the future of the subject hung in the balance. Now, an external expert commission has put forward its recommendations to re-establish the area of Psychology at the University of Bremen.

For more information, please contact:
University of Bremen
The President
Prof.Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter
email: rektorprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


The Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Department of Psychology
Prof.Dr.Dr. Manfred Herrmann
Phone: +49 421/218-68730
email: manfred.herrmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Szenen aus der Vollversammlung
2014 stand das Fach noch auf der Kippe. Jetzt erarbeitet eine externe Expertenkommission Empfehlungen zur Neugründung der Psychologie an der Uni Bremen.