Santander and University of Bremen Prolong Partnership

The University of Bremen and Santander Consumer Bank recently agreed to prolong the partnership they entered into in 2013. University Rector Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter and Ulrich Leuschner, Chairman of the Board of Santander Consumer Bank, recently signed the new agreement in Bremen.

“Nowadays, universities make an enormous contribution to society at large, and this will also be the case in years to come”, commented Ulrich Leuschner. The University of Bremen is an excellent example. He went on to say, “We firmly believe in the vital role of university education”. On these grounds, over the next four years Santander will invest more than 100 million euros to fund university projects worldwide. During a break in negotiations, Scholz-Reiter said he was „…delighted to know we will continue our successful cooperation with Santander. This kind of sustainable support for the University of Bremen’s strategy to build on its reputation as a place for international and intercultural exchange is very welcome”.

The Santander Bank is currently supporting three different projects at the University: the “Welcome Centre”, the “Bremen International Scholarship Program”, and the Deutschlandstipendien [German stipends]. The “Welcome Centre” provides comprehensive advice and services to around 200 visiting international scholars and scientists, helping them to settle in and establish contact with their counterparts in Bremen. In future, the “Welcome Centre”, which until now was only for members of the University, will also make its services available to international scholars and scientists working at the non-university research institutes surrounding the campus.

There will also be continued support for the “Bremen International Student Internship Program”. Started in 2011, this initiative was set up to give young researchers from partner universities abroad the opportunity to pursue their specific research interests during six-month internships at the University of Bremen’s high-level research institutes. These international students carry out their research in tandem with Bremen students. In addition to all this, the bank will fund ten Deutschlandstipendien for students of the University of Bremen.

The bank’s support for the University of Bremen is channeled through “Santander Universitäten”, part of Santana’s global division “Santander Universidades”. As part of the bank’s social engagement, since 2011 “Santander Universitäten” has set up cooperation partnerships with a total of eleven universities in Germany, and it also has a partnership agreement with the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers. In the words of the Chairman of the Board of Santander Consumer Bank, Ulrich Leuschner, “Investing in science and research is our way of paying something back to society. We help lay the groundwork for further developing the resource ‘education’”.

For further information, please contact:

Santander Consumer Bank AG
Ulrich Brüne
Phone: +49 2161 690-5712
e-mail: ulrich.brueneprotect me ?!santanderprotect me ?!.de
More information under:

University of Bremen
Dr. Christina Jung
Transfer & External Partners
Educational Cooperation & Foundations
Phone: +49 421 218-60336
e-mail: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Zwei Männer bei Vertragsunterzeichnung
Ulrich Leuschner, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Santander Consumer Bank und Uni-Rektor Bernd Scholz-Reiter haben den Kooperationsvertrag um vier Jahre verlängert.