September Academy: Getting Studies off to a Good Start

September Academy is a free service offered by the University of Bremen to help incoming students get off to a good start. The service is available to students who are already enrolled at the University. Taking place already before Orientation Week, which deals above all with the more formal aspects of university studies, the September Academy introduces students to interesting current topics of research, giving them a taste of the subject they have chosen to study. All the University’s different areas of study are represented: Society and education, culture, media, art and music, human and health studies, nature and the environment, languages and literature, economics and law, numerical studies, technology and production as well as teacher education.

The September Academy allows freshmen to gain initial insights on the topics and methods they will be studying: For example, programming, film production, brush-up mathematics, working with archived material, field studies, formulation and evaluation of questionnaire surveys, introduction to laser technology or prep courses in accounting. Interested freshmen can register between August 15 and September 15, 2016 under (in German only). Depending on content, the taster courses last from between half a day and up to four weeks, almost all of them in the period from September 19 and the start of Orientation Week. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet your future instructors and fellow students.

“From grit to continent – Getting to know the geosciences”, historical texts stored in Bremen archives on how refugees were treated during the Weimar Republic, a linguistic tour of Bremen City with a visit to the Institute for Low German, a practice and project seminar offered by Integrated European Studies in cooperation with the Museum of the Fifties in Bremerhaven, and a look at the workof jurists at the Bremen District Court – these are just five of the 18 different courses where freshers can discuss some of the current and exciting research topics in their chosen field. Another event is a media search, during which participants accompany art students during the production of a video on the topic “We are the elite! – Or maybe not?” A special mathematics prep course for elementary school pupils throws light on the fascinating way children approach the subject and new ways to learn arithmetic at elementary school level.

For more information, please contact:

University of Bremen
Central Student Advisory Office
Betina da Rocha
Phone: +49 421 218 67401
email: septemberakademieprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Junge Frauen