SuUB to Build up Specialized Information Service for Political Science

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [German Research Foundation] has commissioned the University Library (SuUB) to build up a nation-wide specialized information service in the field of political science. Over the next four years the project will be funded in an amount of 1.3 million euros.

Important accolade for the Bremen library

The grant signifies an important step forward for the Bremen library, making it the only library to be commissioned to establish such an information service without having previously housed an accordant specialized collection. The library makes an important contribution to the University of Bremen’s excellence status and top level research on political science.

Together with its project partner, GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences, the SuUB Bremen will develop customized services and make them available to researchers in the field of political science all over Germany. One of the central tasks will be to build up a search machine for relevant content (e-media as well as print media) for the field, and at the same time enable user-friendly direct access to full-text articles. The library will cooperate closely with the user community when it comes to structuring the new service and deciding on the final selection of content.

Ideal conditions for research in the area of political science

The Director of the SuUB Bremen, Maria Elisabeth Müller, is justifiably proud of the DFG grant: “The project will greatly support the library’s efforts to meet the requirements of modern-day research in respect of disseminating results, digitalization, and preparing research data for the sustainable provision of nation-wide services.” The funding area “Specialized Information Services for Research” follows on the phased-out program titled “Specialized Collections”.

Professor Frank Nullmeier from the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen is especially pleased: “This is a great success for the library that will create ideal conditions for research in the field of political science. The new Specialized Information Service Political Science at the SuUB constitutes a tremendous boost to improving coordination between the supply of information and research in the Social Sciences.”

If you would like to have more information on this topic, please contact:
Maria Elisabeth Müller
State and University Library Bremen Director
Phone: +49 421 218 59400
email: direktionprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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