The CAMPUS PRIZE for Sustainability Research Enters New Round

Once again it’s time for the CAMPUS PRIZE: ‘Research for a sustainable future’ – and the University of Bremen is looking for the best dissertations and doctoral theses on the sustainable use of resources, environmental protection, the climate, and the oceans. New this time round is that there are two prizes: One for a doctoral thesis and one for a master’s dissertation, altogether prize money in an amount of 3,000 euro. Nominations for suitable graduates can be submitted from September 1 to November 11, 2017.

The CAMPUS PRIZE: ‘Research for a sustainable future’ is awarded jointly by the KELLNER & STOLL – FOUNDATION FOR CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT, the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), and the University of Bremen. This year they are joined as sponsors by alumni of the University of Bremen. The alumni association of former students and employees, also partners in last year’s CAMPUS PREIS, has increased its support to make the award of an additional prize possible. The Bremen enterprises ADLER Solar and REETEC also support the award.

Eligible for nomination are the authors of dissertations and doctoral theses that advance sustainable research by means of an innovative approach, methods, and findings. Candidates must have submitted their dissertation or doctoral thesis within the last two years – and are not permitted to nominate themselves. This can only be done by members of the teaching faculty of the University of Bremen (professors, Privatdozentinnen and Privatdozenten, senior lecturers, adjunct faculty and other persons authorized to supervise master dissertations and doctoral theses).

The prizewinning dissertation and doctoral thesis are selected by a distinguished jury comprising Professor Hildegard Westphal, Director of the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Professor Andreas Breiter, Vice President of the University of Bremen, Professor Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Leader of the Department of Social Sciences at ZMT, Professor Justus Notholt, Professor for Remote Earth Sensing at the University of Bremen‘s Institute for Environmental Physics, Fritz Habekuß, editor in the Knoeledge Department of DIE ZEIT, Michael Wolff, Deuty Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alumni der Universität Bremen e.V. and Managing Director of fact+film Medienproduktions GmbH, as well as Dr. Rita Kellner-Stoll and Reiner Stoll of the KELLNER & STOLL – FOUNDATION FOR CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT.

Nominations for the CAMPUS PREIS can be submitted up to November 11, 2017. You can find detailed conditions of participation as well as a link for submitting nomination proposals under (website in German only).

If you would like to have more information, feel free to contact:

Dr. Rita Kellner-Stoll und Reiner Stoll
Phone: +49 421-230569
email: infoprotect me ?!campuspreisprotect me ?!.de

Der CAMPUS PREIS zeichnet Doktor- und Masterarbeiten zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit aus. Nominierungen sind am dem 01. September möglich