The “unifreunde” New Year’s Reception: Knowledge Is Not Elite, But Elementary

The science year 2017 in Bremen got off to an official start with the traditional New Year’s reception given by “unifreunde” e.V., the friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University. A large number of guests representing science, politics, the economy and civil society attended the…

Support for science

In their addresses, Bremen Senator Professor Eva Quante-Brandt and Professor Bengt Beutler, Chairman of “unifreunde”, underscored the importance of science for society as a whole and for the federal state of Bremen, in particular. “Bremen is a very special science location”, said Beutler, who articulated an urgent appeal for politics and the business community to actively support Bremen’s academic institutions. Senator Quante-Brandt expressed her respect for some of the outstanding developments that took place at the University of Bremen in 2016, among others for the HERE office set up to support migrants, reconfiguration of the Psychology Department, and cooperation with other research institutions in the region, for instance in the frame of the U Bremen Research Alliance.

Kept on course by a strong crew

In 2016, the University added a total of 19 new professors to its ranks. University President, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, took the opportunity of the New Year’s reception to collectively welcome the appointees to their new place of work and introduce them to a wider audience, saying how delighted he was they were becoming members of the University. “The considerable successes scored over recent years are entirely due to the tireless efforts of the University’s employees”, said Scholz-Reiter. The University of Bremen has shown what it is capable of – an agile institution kept purposefully on course by a strong crew, adding that “Bremen can be proud of its excellent University.” Senator Eva Quante-Brandt fully concurred and promised to do everything in her power to support the University in the forthcoming competitive round of the Excellence Strategy: “Bremen attaches great value to its universities.”

Sechs Personen lächeln in Kamera
v.r.n.l.: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katja Windt, Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Uygun, Prof. Dr. Sara Hofmann, Prof. Dr. Eva Quante-Brandt, Prof. Dr. Bengt Beutler