The University of Bremen Mourns Hans Koschnick

On hearing the news of Hans Koschnick’s death, University Rector Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter announced: “With the death of Hans Koschnick the University of Bremen has lost one of the key figures responsible for its founding and a friend whom we could always rely on for valuable feedback and constructive support. We mourn the passing of a great man who will go down in history as a builder of bridges and gifted conciliator”. On May 6, 2004, the University of Bremen awarded him an Honorary Doctorate in Political Science for his engagement in promoting peace and understanding between people. He showed a deep commitment to reconciliation between Germany and Israel, and likewise was always at the forefront of proponents of peace between peoples of different religions and nationality in a united Europe.

The University of Bremen was founded in 1971 when Hans Koschnik was Mayor of Bremen and President of the Senate of the free Hanseatic City of Bremen (1967 till 1985). This couldn’t have happened without his pro-active and wholehearted support. It was much more than a symbolic act when during a festive constitutive session held in the City Hall on October 14, 1971, he handed the key to the University of Bremen to its founding rector, Thomas von der Vring. The Research Center for East European Studies also owes its existence predominantly to Hans Koschnik’s dedicated efforts in what were extremely sensitive political times. Prof. Scholz-Reiter: “Bremen as a science location truly owes a lot to Hans Koschnick”.

Mann mit Brille lächelt
Hans Koschnik am 6. Mai 2004 bei der Ernennung zum Ehrendoktor der Uni Bremen