“U Bremen Research Alliance”: Universtiy Strengthens Cooperation with External Institutes

Close-knit networks, low bureaucracy, high reputation in the scientific community: The successful collaboration between the University and the external research institutes located around the campus and other parts of the city state of Bremen lend national and international visibility to Bremen as a science location. This successful recipe has now been given an additional boost. The University of Bremen and its extra-mural partners in research recently signed a multilateral agreement under the name “U Bremen Research Alliance” to open up potentials for even closer cooperation. The aims are to pursue aligned research agendas, further develop research resources and infrastructures, to remove obstacles to their shared use, and to coordinate marketing activities.

Enhancing international visibility

The idea is to pool efforts to enhance international visibility and raise the attractiveness of Bremen in the worldwide competition to recruit the best minds. “We really do have a win-win situation. The top-level research done at the external research institutes combines with the University’s high-profile research areas to create unbeatable conditions for academic education and the advancement of young researchers. Sharing infrastructures will clearly benefit everyone involved – and we are now breathing life into this.” commented University Rector, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, on signing the new cooperation agreement. Bremen’s Senator for Science, Professor Eva Quante-Brandt, added: “Bremen’s science system is famed for the fruitful cooperation between its universities and non-university partner institutes. I‘m confident that all the research establishments involved will profit greatly from this cooperation going forward. This new agreement can only facilitate the ongoing success of your winning strategy. That’s good for Bremen, too.”

The partners in "U Bremen Research Alliance"

Parties to “U Bremen Research Alliance” are the following research establishments:

  • University of Bremen
  • Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine research (AWI)
  • German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
  • German Maritime Museum (DSM) – Leibniz Institute for German Maritime History
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing(MEVIS)
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM)
  • Fraunhofer Institute for  Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES)
  • Leibniz Institute for Epidemiology and Prevention Research (BIPS)
  • Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT)
  • Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPI).

Alliance strengthens collaboration

Collaboration between the University and its non-university partner institutes is one long story of success. Joint applications are submitted for third-party funding and appointments procedures are conducted in collaboration with the research institutes and the University’s degree programs. These forms of cooperation were also an important reason for the University’s success in the Excellence Initiative in 2012. The institutional strategy developed by the University in the Excellence Initiative already led to many new ties and joint funding opportunities. Now, the new research alliance will lift the successful collaboration between the University and its research partners to an even higher qualitative level. Strengthening ties among the institutions is the objective shared by the signatories to the agreement: Joint service facilities, coordinated transfer concepts and innovative career paths will bring the parties even closer together in future. “What we have done is to bring the long-established bilateral agreements under a multilateral roof. This represents a significant step forward”, says the head of the DLR Institute for aerospace systems, Professor Andreas Rittweger.

For more information on this topic, please contact:
University of Bremen
The Rector
Prof.Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter
email: rektorprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Dr. Achim Wiesner
Head Strategic Initiatives
Phone: +49 421 218 60015
email: achim.wiesnerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de