University Honored for Exemplary Environmental Protection

Federal Minister Svenja Schulze has honored the university as one of 15 organizations for its exemplary environmental protection. On the occasion of a conference, a corresponding certificate was recently awarded to environmental manager Dr. Doris Sövegjarto-Wigbers.

This is the 15th time in a row that the University of Bremen has received the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) certificate. “We can rightly claim to be a role model in this field in Germany,” says Director of Finance and Administration Dr. Martin Mehrtens. The issue of sustainability is an ongoing process that never ends. “We therefore have to constantly generate new and unusual ideas in order to master the challenges that will face us tomorrow and the day after tomorrow,” emphasizes Mehrtens.

21 Higher Education Institutions Receive EMAS Certification

EMAS is a voluntary instrument of the European Union that helps companies and organizations continuously improve their environmental performance. In Germany, in addition to the University of Bremen, 20 other HEIs work according to such a system. The EMAS scheme is verified at regular intervals by an independent expert.

Sustainability as a Permanent Issue at the University

The university’s environmental committee, which worked successfully for more than 20 years, has recently been replaced by the sustainability forum. “In this way, we want to anchor the issue of sustainability even more broadly in the university, for example in the development and formation of competences, values, and attitudes. It’s about developing ideas, about new approaches, to find new solutions that have a positive impact on society,” explains Sövegjarto-Wigbers.

Read more in issue 152 of the „Bremer Uni-Schlüssel“. (In German)

Additional Information:


Dr. Doris Sövegjarto-Wigbers
Zentrum für Umweltforschung und nachhaltige Technologien (UFT)
Universität Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-63376
E-Mail: soeveprotect me ?!uft.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


State Secretary Florian Pronold honored the exemplary commitment of the university and presented environmental manager Dr. Doris Sövegjarto-Wigbers with a certificate.