University Launches Online Consultation Process for “Strategy 2018 to 2028”

How and in what direction should the University of Bremen develop going forward? What goals should it pursue? What values does it stand for? In answer to these and similar questions, the university leadership has drafted an initial ten-year strategy proposal for the whole institution. All students and employees of the University now have the opportunity to comment on its contents in the frame of an online consultation process. Introducing the online procedure, the President of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, said: “The strategy describes the goals and the measures we want to pursue going forward. It needs the support of all members of the University, and it is therefore important for us to know that it rests on as broad a basis as possible.” Such an online consultation represents a completely new venture for the University, but one which has the wholehearted support of the University leadership. Explaining the background, Scholz-Reiter said “We want to bring in the collective expertise, engagement and experience of all the University’s status groups to put the finishing touches to the strategy proposal”.

Comment function enabled on June 26

The current draft document is already the result of an intensive inner-university process initiated by the Academic Senate last year when it requested the University President to develop an institution-wide strategy. A first draft was prepared that draws on existing preliminary work and analysis of the strategies of other universities. This was then put forward for discussion among the deans and selected experts, and the results flowed into the present strategy paper. Now all members of the University have the opportunity to enter their own individual comments on a page specially created for them in the internet. The comment function is enabled from June 26 till July 20. In order to use the online consultation page, though, you first have to register using your University email address.

Discussion in Academic Senate in the fall

Once the consultation period is over, all the comments entered will be read and processed. Everyone who participates in the online consultation will be able to follow the subsequent procedure in preparation for finalizing the strategy paper. Then, in the fall, the results of the online survey will be discussed in the Academic Senate together with an accordantly reworked version of the “Strategy 2018 ti 2028”. Bernd Scholz-Reiter is hoping that the online consultation will receive a strong university-wide response. Appealing to all of the University’s employees in all status groups as well as its students to take part in the strategy process, he says, “Now, it’s up to you. Let us have your opinions and actively help shape the future of our University!”

If you would like to have further information, feel free to contact:
University of Bremen
Staff Unit Strategic Projects and Excellence
Fabian Heuel
Phone: 0421 218 60018

Online-Konsultation zur Universitätsstrategie 2018 bis 2028