University of Bremen Supports “March for Science”

Worldwide movement for independent research and science. On April 22, people around the world will be demonstrating their support for independent science. The international initiative “March for Science” has called for protest marches to send a clear signal against denial or relativization of…

The University of Bremen supports the “March for Science”. “In times of fake news and alternative facts we have to draw a clear distinction in public debates between verifiable hard facts and people’s purely personal views”, says the President of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter.

Emergence of a broad alliance

So far, demonstrations have taken place in 15 German cities and further marches are planned in the Northern German cities of Hamburg and Göttingen. Numerous personalities and institutions across the entire science landscape have expressed solidarity with the movement on the homepage of “March for Science Germany”. The list by no means only contains only research academics, prompting Scholz-Reiter to add: “I’m glad to see that such abroad alliance has come about under the umbrella of the ‘March for Science’ initiative and the movement to reinforce people’s awareness that an enlightened society bases on science and the findings of scientific research.”

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Das Logo der Initiative "March for Science".