Examples from the YUFE partners Charles III University of Madrid (U3CM), including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the University of Cyprus with Caritas were presented. The program included three presentations followed by discussions. All presentations are available as download:
LEAVING NO ONE BEHIND: An awareness-raising initiative targeting students of seven Spanish Universities
University of Cyprus Volunteering activities with Caritas Cyprus
UC3M Refugee Office & UNHCR projects
Katarzyna Pawlonka
Coordinator of the YUFE Community Engagement Network
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
Email: kasiafusprotect me ?!umkprotect me ?!.pl
Dr. Ursel Hauschildt
Workpackage 8
University of Bremen
Email: ursel.hauschildt@vw.uni-bremen.de