Program-Specific Requirements

Many programs require certain knowledge or skills to be proven prior to taking up studies. These could include e.g. a preliminary internship, music entrance exam or language skills. Such requirements are in the interest of facilitating doing a high-quality degree within the standard period of study - without the required knowledge you would not be able to follow the curriculum.

Which requirements you have to prove for certain courses of studies is listed on our homepage of the study programs under the respective degree program. Specifically, the following prerequisites could be required:


Central Student Advisory Service

Without an appointment:
Mon, Thu 10 am -1 pm

With an appointment:
Tue 1 pm - 3 pm: Zoom or face-to-face
Additional appointments

Visiting address:
VWG Building (Central Administration)

Brief information by phone:
Mon 8-10 am, Tue&Fri 9-11 am
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+49 (0)421 218-61160

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Deadlines for Submitting Documents

The program-specific requirements must be evidenced before you can be enrolled. The deadline for this will be stated in the admission notice. If you do not meet the criteria, you will not be enrolled. The following deadlines apply:

  • Internship:
    Proof of the completed pre-study internship or an internship contract specifying when the pre-study internship will be completed, possibly during the semester break, must be submitted for enrollment. The proof must show that the pre-study internship will be completed by a certain date. For the Bachelor's degree programs Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (Mechanical and Process Engineering) and Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik (Management and Production Engineering), it is strongly recommended that the pre-study internship be completed before the start of studies. In exceptional cases, proof of the pre-study internship can also be provided through a consultation with the internship officer of Faculty 4.

  • Music aptitude test:
    Enrollment must be accompanied by proof of passing the music entrance examination or exemption. For music pedagogy (teaching profession) you must pass an examination. Since you will be admitted preferentially if you apply for a teacher training programme with music pedagogy as a subject, please submit an application for preferential admission within the application. In the application, please upload the proof of your passed aptitude test. Accordingly, the result of the aptitude test must already be available for the application.

  • Other Languages:
    Any language certificates required for admission to bachelor’s programs must be submitted by September 15 (winter semester) or March 15 (summer semester).

Language Certificates

Some subjects require proof of competence in a foreign language before enrollment. The required knowledge is based on the competence descriptions of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The classification of language competences is divided into six levels, which are called A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. A1 level describes beginner skills; at the C2 level, language proficiency is almost that of a native speaker (more information on the language levels)..

Language skills are mostly proven by language certificates or tests. These certificates can be taken at certain language schools or institutes. The University of Bremen only accepts valid language certificates / tests.

For application and enrollment, the University of Bremen offers various possibilities to prove your language skills.

For Master's programs, different rules apply in some cases as far as language certificates are concerned. If you are interested in information aboout language competences for Master's, please have a look at our Master info page.

Which Bachelor's Degree Programs Require Language Certificates?
  • Betriebswirtschaftslehre: English B1
  • English-Speaking Cultures / Englisch: English C1
  • Französisch / Frankoromanistik: French B1
  • Geographie: English B1
  • Geschichte: English B1
  • Integrierte Europastudien: English B1
  • Kulturwissenschaft: English B1
  • Linguistik / Language Sciences: English B2, other language A1
  • Marine Geosciences: English B2, German A1
  • Natural Sciences for Sustainability: English B2
  • Public Health / Gesundheitswissenschaften: English B1
  • Religionswissenschaft / Religionspädagogik: English B1 or Latinum
  • Spanisch / Hispanistik: Spanish B1
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik: English A2
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaft: English B1

Evidence of Language Skills on the Basis of the Abitur Exam

Language Competences Shown in the Certificate of Higher Education Entrance Qualification

The language levels indicated on the German  Abitur certificate or advanced college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) are recognized. If two levels for a foreign language are specified in the certificate, the lower level will be taken. In the pdf-document we have listed examples of language proofs (only in German) that can be noted on certificate of the higher education entrance qualification.

Language Certificate Over the Duration of the Course at School

As proof of language competence for the levels A1, A2 and B1, the University of Bremen accepts the results of school course work. For this, proof must be provided of a teaching period at a school in Germany to the following extent without minimum grades:


Language levelYears of language training

least 1 year language course at school


at least 3 years of schooling


Abitur or advanced college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) after 12 school years (G8):
at least 6 years of foreign language instruction continued until at least the end of class 11

Abitur or advanced college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) after 13 years of schooling (G9):
at least 7 years of foreign language instruction continued until at least the end of class 12


The competence level C1 is usually to be attested by appropriate certificates, as well B2, unless the school leaving certificate shows this level.

Exception: Language certificate for the Bachelor's degree program English-Speaking Cultures/English

The C1 language certificate for the Bachelor's degree course in English-Speaking Cultures/English is an exception and can alternatively also be proven by academic performance if English was completed as a continued foreign language with at least 11 points in the basic or advanced course. Either the grade of the Abitur examination or the average of the grades from the qualification phase is taken as a basis.

Attention: School leaving certificates acquired abroad and aquivalent to the German Abitur can not be used as a proof of language over the duration of lessons or school grades.

Evidence of Language Competence via Language Certificates

You can provide evidence of language level with the help of recognized language certificates. The certificates for English, French and Spanish are listed below. Which language level can be certified by a language certificate and which language certificates are offered by the Language Center in Bremen is published on the website of the Language Center. The language certificates are recognized by most universities and cost between 150 and 300 euro.




All languages


B1-Language Certificates in the Language Center or at Cooperating Language Institutes

The Language Center, the Instituto Cervantes and the Institut Français conduct language tests in English, French and Spanish. There is a fee for taking such a test (40 euro), and it is only recognized by the University of Bremen. Information on each language can be found on the website of the Language Center.

Certificate from abroad?

If you can prove with your certificate that the lessons were held in a specific language (medium of instruction), the University of Bremen will recognize the certificate as proof of C1 for the respective language.


Proof of German Language Skills for Prospective Students from Abroad

Without a good command of the German language, you will not be able to study in Germany and at the University of Bremen. For this reason, proof of sufficient German language skills at least at C1 level is required for enrollment in most undergraduate degree programs (Bachelor and First Law Examination) at the University of Bremen. There are a few degree programs for which lower levels are sufficient.

The German C1 certificate is not required if you have a German-language Abitur or certificate of education from Germany.

We have compiled explanations on the proof of German language skills.

Selfassessments / Selftests

These are tests that provide assessments of how well certain subjects or fields of study fit your personal characteristics. Thus, these tests provide support in checking your choice of subjects.

The following self-tests are offered by the University of Bremen. The self-tests are in German only.

Pre-Study Internships

A pre-study internship is closely related to the degree program and is undertaken in a typical workplace for the professional field of the degree program. A description of the tasks involved can be found in the respective internship regulations, which are published on the websites listed below. If you need help finding an internship, contact a Berufsinformationszentrum (career information center) near you or your Agentur für Arbeit (local employment agency). You can also find internships via the job and applicant portal of the Career Center of the University of Bremen.

For the following degree programs, proof of a pre-study internship must be provided upon enrollment:

An internship certificate stating the period and duration of the pre-study internship serves as proof of the pre-study internship. You can also present a pre-study internship contract concluded before the start of your studies, which provides for the completion of the pre-study internship during the lecture-free period, at the time of enrollment. In exceptional cases, proof of the pre-study internship can also be provided through a consultation with the internship officer of Faculty 4 (only in German).

Aptitude Test

Aptitude Test for Music Education

For music education (teaching profession) you must pass an examination. Since you will be admitted preferentially if you apply for a teacher training programme with music pedagogy as a subject, please submit an application for preferential admission within the application. In the application, please upload the proof of your passed aptitude test. Accordingly, the result of the aptitude test must already be available for the application.

Registration is required to take the aptitude test. The exam itself is usually taken in mid-June. Registration must usually take place by the middle/end of May. Explanations and the registration form for the aptitude test can be found on the website.

For musicology no aptitude test is required .


Vocational Education – Nursing Science

Qualification requirement for the bachelor's degree in “Vocational Education – Nursing Science”:

  • completed vocational training as a nursing specialist or in the fields of health and nursing care, health and paediatric care, geriatric care, curative care, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, maternity care or speech therapy is required. Other academic or non-academic health care professions can be recognised upon application to the program.


  • A-levels and 12 months of practical work experience in nursing (e.g. hospital, long-term care) as well as proof of a counseling interview in the Faculty 11 with the representative for the internship.

Academic Adjustment when Fulfilling the Course-Specific Requirements

A disability and/or chronic illness may mean that the course-specific requirements cannot be met without barriers. If this is the case, you may submit a written application for academic adjustment to the Student Office. If this is approved, the programme-specific requirements can alternatively be fulfilled in another form.

For more information, please visit the information page on academic adjustment (only in German).