Self-organized look-ins

You don’t have to rush. Take a look first.

Many universities invite prospective students to participate in so-called look-ins. In the following, you will find some hints on how you can organize such a possibility at the University of Bremen yourself. You can, of course, also get information about courses online to get an idea about the degree program you’re interested in. A cross-university online search can also help you find orientation about which subject or field to study


Central Student Advisory Service

Without an appointment:
Mon, Thu 10 am -1 pm

With an appointment:
Tue 1 pm - 3 pm: Zoom or face-to-face
Additional appointments

Visiting address:
VWG Building (Central Administration)

Brief information by phone:
Mon 8-10 am, Tue&Fri 9-11 am
Unfortunately, the telephone information service will be unavailable on Monday, March 17 and Tuesday, March 18 and 25.

+49 (0)421 218-61160

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How are look-ins organized?

You can attend the lectures at the University of Bremen without prior registration. In this way, you can gain a first impression of what it’s like to be a student and get in touch with students and teachers of the study program. Do not expect to understand everything right away! A look-in is not about the study content, but rather about the study conditions.

When is the best time to get a look-in?

Ideally, the months of May and June or November to January, since this is the active part of the semester and courses are held regularly at the same time every week and in the same rooms.

Where do the courses take place and how can I find the room?

The online site map of the university will help you find the buildings you want. It is interactive and also allows a room search. Orientation on the campus is facilitated by the names of buildings or abbreviations, according to which the legend of the location plan is also oriented: e.g. GW1 and GW 2 for Humanities 1 and 2, SFG (Seminar and Research Building) or SuUB (State and University Library Bremen).

A typical room specification is GW2 B 3200 and is made up as follows:
GW2: Humanities building 2
B: Building B
3: on the 3rd floor
200: Room number 200

The first digit of the room specification always indicates the floor.

Two pointers to minor exceptions to this information: The degree programs in Faculty 11 (Psychology, Public Health, Nursing Science) often include information such as GRA2A H 0100 or similar. In this case, it is not the abbreviation of the building, but the street name indicating the house number. In our example, the course takes place in Grazer Straße 2A in room H (as auditorium) on the 0th storey, i.e. on ground level. In the map you will find Grazer Straße under the abbreviation GRAZ. Another exception to the general system where the first digit indicates the room number = storey applies to courses that take place in the UNICOM building. There, the first digit indicates the street number, the second number the building level. For example, a room designation such as "UNICOM 7.4680" means that the room is accessed via number 7 on Mary Somerville Street, which is adjacent to the Unicom Building. If you have found the correct entrance of the UNICOM building according to the number of the house, you can take the elevator to the 4th floor and it is already quite close to the given room!

Which types of event are particularly suitable for look-ins?

Lectures that are marked with the letter “V” in the Course Catalog as well as seminars bearing an “S” are best suited for a look-in. Smaller and often application-related events such as exercises (Ü), tutorials (T), colloquia (K), (lab) internships (P) are rather inadequate, as only the previous classes are discussed. You can attend a lecture without prior registration. For seminars, it makes sense to ask the course leader in advance whether a one-time participation is possible.

And how do I find the courses in my subject?

The online course catalog is structured according to subject areas. Each Faculty offers a number of content-related courses. Faculties 1 - 5 are science and technology oriented, the Faculties 6 - 12 are more oriented to the humanities and social sciences. For a look-in, it’s best to choose a bachelor's program (abbreviation B.A. or B.Sc. after the subject name) or in Law, the so-called state examination classes.

Are the other abbreviations next to the course names important?

If there is no explicit reference to the time (such as the abbreviation “s.t.”), you can expect that instead of from 3:00 – 5:00 pma course will actually take place from 3:15 – 4:45 pm, since a teaching unit  takes 45 minutes and the classes usually start fifteen minutes later than indicated.

All other abbreviations in the on-line course catalog are of no importance to you for the time being and will be explained to freshers in the Orientation Week.

And after the look-in?

... it's best to come along to the Central Student Advisory Service (Zentrale Studienberatung). We can then evaluate your impressions together in a conversation.

Online Look-ins at the University of Bremen

On the openly accessible Internet portal Mobile Lecture , the University of Bremen provides high-quality digital lecture recordings for students and interested parties. Lectures and events of different faculties are provided as a video with slide presentations and digitized accompanying materials (presentations, scripts, tests and simulations).

But even if a lot goes online: Come over and visit us too. So you can best make your own picture of the university! First stop is the Central Student Advisory Service.