Prof. Dr. Armin Dekorsy

Faculty 1 – Physics/Electrical Engineering

Armin Dekorsy took over the professorship for communications engineering in the Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering on March 1, 2010.

He studied at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz and Paderborn University of Information and Information Technology. He then did his doctorate at the University of Bremen. His dissertation was awarded the Bremen Study Prize in 2002. From 2000 to 2007, Dekorsy initially worked as a research engineer at Deutsche Telekom, Darmstadt and Bell Labs Europe, Lucent Technologies, Nuremberg. During this time, he dealt with basic issues of telecommunications and the development of appropriate algorithms for future cellular communication systems. In 2007, Dekorsy moved to Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, Nuremberg, where he was primarily responsible for coordinating research activities in Europe. As Head of the Faculty of Communications Engineering at the University of Bremen, he will deal with theoretical issues as well as with application-oriented technologies of message transmission and signal processing for future communication systems. These include, among others, actuator / sensor networks and mobile radio systems of future generations.

Prof. Dr. Alberto García-Ortiz

Faculty 1 – Physics/Electrical Engineering

Since April 2010, Alberto García-Ortiz has been a professor of microelectronics with a focus on digital systems in the Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering.

After graduating in communications engineering at the University of Valencia (Spain), he spent two years in industry. In 2003 he successfully completed his dissertation at the TU Darmstadt with a focus on "Low-Power Design". After his graduation he worked at IBM Germany. Garcia-Ortiz received the "Outstanding Dissertation Award" in 2004 from the European Design and Automation Association. In 2005, IBM granted him the Innovation Award 2005 for his contribution to the estimation of leakage currents. He is editor of the Journal of Low Power Electronics and reviewer for several conferences, journals and European projects. In Bremen, Garcia-Ortiz wants to focus on low-power and communication-oriented design of digital circuits, especially in the direction of systems-on-chip and embedded systems.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Jung

Faculty 1 – Physics/Electrical Engineering

Thomas Jung is since December 1, 2010 professor of physics of the climate system (theory and models) in the Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering.

The professorship is associated with a position at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven. Born in Föhrer, he studied meteorology at Kiel University. His Diplom thesis on the application of neural networks in satellite remote sensing was awarded the Young Scientist Prize of the German Meteorological Society. After completing his studies, Jung also earned his doctorate in Kiel with a dissertation on the mechanisms of climate variability in the North Atlantic region. After a postdoctoral internship at the AWI, from 2001 to 2010, as a researcher at the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting in Reading (UK), he conducted atmospheric predictive studies and worked on the further development of weather prediction and climate models. In research, Jung will in the future deal with current questions concerning the dynamics of the ocean as well as the predictability of the global climate system. Another focus is the further development of climate models.

Prof. Dr. Kai Michels

Faculty 1 – Physics/Electrical Engineering

Kai Michels took over the professorship for system dynamics and control engineering in the Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering in March 2010.

Born in Bremerhaven, Kai Michels studied electrical engineering and computer science at the TU Braunschweig and then did his doctorate there on stability analysis and self-adjustment of fuzzy controllers. In 1997 he moved to Siemens AG in Erlangen in the area of ​​power plant control technology, where he dealt with the simulation of power plants. In 2002, he moved to Fichtner Ingenieurberatung in Stuttgart, where he worked as a consultant and sales manager for control systems for power plants and grids, before taking over the management of the subsidiary IKG-Fichtner in 2006. In Bremen, Michels intends to focus on energy supply, especially renewable energy sources. His research interests are the development of new structures for the secure supply of energy from smaller, decentralized plants, which still have to be developed as technical prerequisites for grid stability.

Prof. Dr. Jens Beckmann

Faculty 2 – Biology/Chemistry

Jens Beckmann took over the professorship of Inorganic Chemistry in the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry in April 2010. Previously, he was Junior Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the FU Berlin.

Beckmann studied and obtained his doctorate at the University of Dortmund. At the beginning of 2000 he went to Deakin University in Geelong (Australia) as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. His research interests lay in the development of new classes of heavy main group elements indium, tin, antimony and tellurium. This is about their reactivity with regard to the fixation and activation of small molecules such as the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. In Bremen Beckmann also deals with the supramolecular chemistry of the light main group elements silicon and phosphorus. The aim of this research area is the development of porous organometallic materials with tailored pores, in which small gas molecules such as hydrogen or carbon dioxide can be stored.

Prof. Dr. Christian Wild

Faculty 2 – Biology/Chemistry

Since October 2010, Christian Wild is working group leader at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT). This position is connected by a cooperation agreement with a professorship for marine research at the University of Bremen.

Wild studied biology and geography in Mainz and Bremen, where he also earned his doctorate in 2003. He then worked as a consultant on coral reef issues for UNESCO in Paris. From 2006 to 2010 he was head of an Emmy Noether junior research group funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the LMU Munich.

In Bremen, Wild and his staff will be dealing with the biological, chemical, geological and physical factors that determine the functioning of coral reefs. The focus is on so-called ecosystem engineers, i.e. organisms such as hard corals, which have a decisive influence on the availability of habitats and resources for other living organisms in the same ecosystem.

Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath

Faculty 3 – Mathematics/Computer Science

Werner Brannath is since August 1, 2010, Professor of Applied Statistics and Biometry in the Faculty of Mathematics.

Brannath studied physics and mathematics in Karlsruhe and Vienna and received his doctorate there in 1997. During this time he worked as a research assistant at the Vienna Institute of Statistics. From 2001 to 2002 Brannath was at Stanford University (USA). In 2005 he habilitated at the Institute for Medical Statistics at the University of Vienna and has since been an associate professor. He also worked as a member and reviewer of the Animal Research Ethics Committee of the Medical University of Vienna and the Ethics Committee of the city. Brannath is primarily concerned with multiple test problems and innovative study designs.

In Bremen, he takes over the biometrics department in the Competence Center for Clinical Trials. He will be involved in the planning and evaluation of medical studies and will continue his research in applied statistics. The move to Bremen also offers him new research perspectives, for example in materials research through his work in Collaborative Research Center 747 "Micro Cold Forming".

Prof. Dr. Otto Stratmann

Faculty 3 – Mathematics/Computer Science

Bernd Otto Stratmann took over a professorship for Pure Mathematics in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science in April 2010.

Stratmann studied mathematics in Göttingen and received his doctorate there in 1992 on "Finer Structures of Grenzpunktmengen Kleinscher Gruppen". He used the work on his dissertation for research stays, including Warwick (UK) and Trieste (I). After receiving his doctorate, he received a DFG habilitation scholarship. In addition, Stratmann was a research associate in the Collaborative Research Center for "Geometry and Analysis" at the University of Göttingen from 1992 to 1997. Since 1997, he has worked as a "permanent lecturer" at the University of St. Andrews (Scotland) until he received the call to Bremen.

Stratmann's research interests are broad: Complex dynamics, Kleinian groups, Riemann surfaces, Teichmüller theory, elementary number theory, fractal geometry. In Bremen, Stratmann and his colleagues plan to set up an international research group on dynamic systems, conformal analysis and dynamics and dynamic geometry.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Mayer

Faculty 4 – Production Engineering

In the Faculty of Production Engineering Bernd Mayer took over the professorship for Polymeric Materials on 1 August 2010.

He studied chemistry at the Technical University of Karlsruhe and did his doctorate there in the field of inorganic chemistry. He then worked as a post-doc at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) with the catalytic structure of silicon-carbon compounds. From 1992 he worked in the central research Faculty of Henkel AG in Düsseldorf in the field of surface technology and corrosion protection. From 2000, he headed Henkel's European product development for adhesives and sealants as well as organic foams for use in the automotive industry.

Bernd Mayer has also taken over the management of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research, Department of Adhesive Bonding Technology and Surfaces in Bremen. His research interests in Bremen include the aging behavior of polymeric materials and their effects on application-relevant properties.

Prof. Dr. André Freiwald

Faculty 5 – Geosciences

As of April 1, 2010, André Freiwald has been working as head of marine research at the Senckenberg Research Institute in Wilhelmshaven. This position is associated with a professorship of Marine Geology in the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen.

Freiwald studied geology-paleontology at the CAU Kiel, where he earned his doctorate in 1993. His focus is on the study of biosedimentary systems outside the tropical sea areas. These systems include carbonate ecosystems, such as coral reefs, which are analyzed with oceanographic issues. His first phase in Bremen began in 1994 as a post-doc in the Faculty of Geosciences. After his habilitation in 1999, he followed a call to the University of Tübingen, where he took a professor of paleoclimatology. In order to boost the cooperation between Senckenberg and the University, a working group with a paleoeceanographic and geochemical orientation has been established at MARUM which investigates processes from the recent geological past on non-tropical biosedimentary systems.

Prof. Dr. Katrin Huhn

Faculty 5 – Geosciences

After several-years as a junior professor at the University of Bremen, Katrin Huhn assumed a professorship in the field of "Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport Processes" in the Faculty of Geosciences on April 1, 2010.

Kathrin Huhn studied geophysics at the Bergakademie Freiberg and Kiel University. She then worked as a research associate in a research project at IFM-Geomar Kiel, before moving to the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZP) in 1999. At the FU Berlin, she wrote her doctoral thesis on "The analysis of the mechanics of the Makran accretionary wedge with the help of the finite element and the discrete element method as well as analogous sand experiments". The use of numerical simulation techniques to investigate the deformation behavior of accretionary wedges then formed the focus of her work within the SFB 267 "Deformation Processes in the Andes" at the GFZP. During this time she spent several months at Rice University, Houston, USA.

Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal

Faculty 5 – Geosciences

Hildegard Westphal was appointed professor in the field of geosciences in October 2010. She succeeds Professor Venugopalan Ittekkot as Director and Managing Director of the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT).

Hildegard Westphal studied geology in Tübingen and Brisbane. Then she earned her doctorate at the Geomar for carbonate sedimentology. After a postdoctoral stay in Miami, she became an assistant at the University of Hanover. After completing her habilitation, she researched at the Erlangen-Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences before joining the MARUM in Bremen as a Heisenberg Fellow. On 1 October 2010, she moved to the University of Heidelberg, shortly afterwards she followed the call to Bremen.

Hildegard Westphal was from 2005 to 2010 a member of the Junge Akademie, whose spokeswoman she was two years. As director of the ZMT, she is in charge of an institute dedicated to environmental, biological, biogeochemical and sociological issues in tropical coastal regions.

Prof. Dr. Katja Nebe

Faculty 6 – Law

Katja Nebe accepted the professorship "Civil Law with a focus on German, European and International Labor Law" in the Faculty of Law on October 1, 2010.

She completed her law studies and legal traineeship in Halle / Saale. Her participation at the chair of labor lawyer Wolfhard Kohte (University of Halle) led her to research at the interfaces of civil, labor and social law. With her doctorate on maternity protection law, she examined in-house adaptation rights, which ensure integration and employment even in times of special occupational safety measures, instead of discriminating them. In her habilitation Katja Nebe dealt with questions of self-determined nursing arrangements. She was able to prove the interaction between social and civil law as regulatory areas usually considered in isolation. Since 2010 she is a cooperation partner of the German Association for Rehabilitation. In addition, she intends to participate in the future profiling of the Bremen Institute for Gender, Labor and Social Law (bigas).

Prof. Dr. Sarianna Lundan

Faculty 7 – Business Studies and Economics

Sarianna Lundan accepted the professorship of International Management and Governance in Economics on April 1, 2010.

Born in Finland, she earned her doctorate at Rutgers University in New Jersey (USA) and subsequently worked at the Universities of Reading (UK) and Maastricht (NL). She then worked at UNCTAD in Geneva, a sub-organization of the United Nations, and at the Research Institute of Finnish Economy (ETLA) in Helsinki. Her research focuses on the strategy and structure of multinational companies and their economic and social impact. Together with Professor John Dunning she published the second edition of "Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy", a standard work of the subject. Sarianna Lundan is a member of the new interdisciplinary profile network Transnational Corporations. She is currently researching systems of private governance, in particular on self-regulation and standard-setting of companies and their consequences for public and public action.

Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

Delia González de Reufels has been a professor of "History of Latin America" ​​since April 2010. From 2004 to 2009 she taught as Junior Professor of Modern and Contemporary History in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen.

After studying history, Romance studies and English at the Universities of Cologne, London and Salamanca, she earned her doctorate with a dissertation on Mexican history, which was awarded by the "Offermann-Hergarten-Stiftung". In her time in Bremen she wrote a study on military modernization and the transfer of knowledge in Chile and the United States. Her teaching and research activities have repeatedly taken her abroad, especially to Mexico, Central America, England and the USA. Her work focuses on the political history of Latin America, women's and gender history, the historical demography of Latin America and historical migration research. Her current research project is devoted to the Latin American population policy after 1945.


Prof. Dr. Philip Manow

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

In the Faculty of Social Sciences, Philip Manow took over the Chair of Comparative Political Economy on October 1, 2010. At the same time he took on a co-directorate at the Bremen Center for Social Policy.

Manow studied political science in Marburg and Berlin, where he received his doctorate in 1994. After that, he was a research associate at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne. After a research stay at Harvard University, he worked as a university assistant at the University of Konstanz. He then returned to the Max Planck Institute in Cologne. In 2009 he moved to the University of Heidelberg. His research interests lie in the area of ​​comparative social state research, the German political system and European integration. One of his research projects in Bremen is the investigation of the connection between electoral rules, electoral geography and social state redistribution. This includes the creation of a web-based data infrastructure with information on parties, elections, parliaments and governments (ParlGov).


Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

Since October 1, Klaus Schlichte has been Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Political Science.

After studying political science, philosophy and African studies in Hamburg and Bordeaux, he completed his doctorate on domestic wars in West Africa. In addition to research stays at the Maison des Sciences de l 'Homme in Paris and at the University of Washington (USA), he worked at the German Orient Institute in Hamburg. Research stays took him to Uganda and Serbia. From 2001 to 2007 he headed the junior research group "Micropolitics of armed groups" at the Humboldt University Berlin, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, before taking on a chair at the University of Magdeburg. Klaus Schlichte will continue his research on political violence at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences and work on the subject of "Political Dominance" in the regions outside Europe.

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Borchers

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

After being junior professor at the University of Bremen for several years, Dagmar Borchers from the Faculty of Social Sciences took over a professorship for Applied Philosophy on April 1.

Dagmar Borchers studied theater science in Munich, then German literature and linguistics, Spanish and computer science at the University of Hamburg. After that, she worked for several years at the Bremen Theater as a director and dramaturge assistant. In 1989, she resumed studies at the University of Bremen with the subjects Philosophy and German Literature and Linguistics. In 1996, Dagmar Borchers moved to the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bayreuth, where she earned her doctorate in 2000 with a study on the new Virtue Ethics. Her research interests include Applied Ethics, Theory Comparison and Ethical Argumentation Strategies, as well as the Philosophy of Science. Her current research project deals with "Experimental Decision Research: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Conceptions of Justice in Collective Decision-Making Processes".


Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krotz

Faculty 9 – Cultural Studies

On October 1, 2010, Friedrich Krotz began work in the Faculty of Cultural Studies. He has a newly established professorship for communication and media studies with a focus on social communication and mediatization research.

Krotz studied sociology and mathematics, earned his doctorate in sociology and habilitated in communication science / journalism. He has researched and taught as a computer scientist and sociologist in politics and communication science at various universities. He was also involved in a number of research projects in Europe. Most recently, he held the chair for social communication at the University of Erfurt, succeeding Peter Glotz. Krotz's work in Bremen will be shaped above all by his coordination of the DFG Priority Program "Mediatized Worlds", which examines the rapid transformation of everyday life and social action, of culture and society in the context of media development. In Bremen, he wants to initiate further collaborative research on this internationally renowned concept.

Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit

Faculty 9 – Cultural Studies

Winfried Pauleit is since April 1, 2010 Professor of "Art Education with a focus on new media" in the Faculty of Cultural Studies.

His work focuses on film studies, media aesthetics and their mediation. He studied in Berlin, London and Chicago and earned his doctorate at the University of the Arts in Berlin on the theme "Filmstandbilder. Passages between Art and Cinema "(2004). From 2003 to 2009 he taught and researched as a junior professor at the University of Bremen and published his second book: "The ABC of Cinema. Photo, Film, New Media "(2009). In 2005 he took over the scientific management of the "International Bremen Symposium on Film". In the context of the symposium, he has developed an e-book that prepares scientific publications with film documents for teaching. So far, three e-books have been published, all three on cinema and learning. His current research project in cooperation with the University of Minnesota is called "National Branding in Contemporary European Film".

Prof. Dr. Andreas Grünewald

Faculty 10 – Linguistics and Literary Studies

Andreas Gruenewald took over the chair of Didactics of Romance Languages ​​at the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies on September 1, 2010.

Grünewald studied Franco-Romance Studies, Hispanics and Education. After research stays in France and Guatemala, he graduated in 1996 with the first state examination. He then worked for three years in the Bremen school service, before he moved to the University of Bremen as a research assistant and lecturer on the didactics of Romance languages. In 2006 he obtained his doctorate with summa cum laude and in 2007 he took over the junior professorship Didactics of Romance Languages ​​at the University of Hamburg. After further research projects on "blended learning" in teacher education and the use of multimedia in foreign language teaching, he received a professorship at the Universities of Kassel and Hamburg in 2009. In 2009 he was awarded the prize for excellent teaching in Hamburg. In addition to digital media, Grünewald researches learning motivation, film analysis and audiovisual media.


Prof. Dr. Axel Dunker

Faculty 10 – Linguistics and Literary Studies

Since July 2010, Axel Dunker has been a professor for modern and recent German literary history.

After studying German and English Literature, which he completed in 1989 with the 1st State Examination, he received his doctorate in 1993 at the University of Bielefeld. In 1997 he moved to the University of Mainz and habilitated there with an investigation on the 'literature in the shadow of Auschwitz'. In addition to professorial and visiting professorships in Bielefeld and Vienna, Dunker worked at the Institute for Comparative Literature at the University of Mainz, where he was appointed as an unscheduled professor in December 2009. Since 2008 he has been spokesman of the DFG-funded scientific network "Postcolonial Studies in German Studies". As part of this international research group, he deals with oriental discourses in 20th and 21st century literature. At the University of Bremen, Dunker wants to further advance the profile of the Bremen Institute for Cultural Studies in Germany, which he will also take over.

Prof. Dr. Ingo H. Warnke

Faculty 10 – Linguistics and Literary Studies

Ingo H. Warnke has held a professorship for "German Linguistics including Interdisciplinary Linguistics” since April 1, 2010. He will work on the topics "Urban Studies" and "Colonial Studies". In addition, Warnke also brings with him the Urban Space Research Network (USRN): a multidisciplinary association of urban researchers interested in urban communication processes.

Following stations in Bonn and Hamburg, Warnke completed his studies in German philology, music, philosophy and education in 1989 with the first state examination at the University of Kassel. He received his doctorate in 1993 as a graduate fellow of the state of Hessen and habilitated five years later. He has taught and researched at the Universities of Saarbrücken, Bielefeld, Bayreuth, Erlangen, GHI in Washington (USA) and as a Research Fellow at Harvard University. From 2007 to 2009 he held a professorship at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, until 2009, when he was appointed to a professorship at the “Center for the Study of Language and Society” at the University of Bern.

Prof. Dr. Michael Gessler

Faculty 12 – Pedagogy and Educational Sciences

Since 1 July 2010, Michael Gessler has been Professor of "Vocational Education and Training" in the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences.

After completing his studies in business administration and educational sciences, he completed his doctorate in 2003 at RWTH Aachen University. In 2005 he became junior professor at the University of Bremen and guest researcher at the Institute of Technology and Education, where he took over the management of the department "International Vocational Training Research". At the same time, he became a visiting professor at the University of Liaocheng (China) and a board member of the German Association for Project Management. In 2009, Gessler was elected to the board of the "European Research Network in Vocational Education and Training" of the European Educational Research Association. At the University of Bremen he wants to further expand empirical and international VET research. Gessler researches at the interfaces of teaching, learning, management and organization. His main focus is the micro-didactic design, the macro-didactic control and the empirical impact analysis of vocational teaching-learning arrangements.

Prof. Dr. Anne Levin

Faculty 12 – Pedagogy and Educational Sciences

Since April 1, 2010, Anne Levin has been Professor of General Didactics and Empirical Instruction Research in the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

Born in Darmstadt, she first completed acting and dance theater training in Hamburg and spent ten years at German theaters. The beginning of psychology studies in Hamburg was a professional realignment. While her research interest initially focused on small group research, her work as a research associate at the TU Berlin under Professor Karl-Heinz Arnold increasingly occupied her interest in developmental psychological, learning psychological and instruction psychological issues. Prior to joining the University of Bremen, Anne Levin was a visiting professor at the TU Berlin and an interim professor in Potsdam. Her research interests include the study of methodological approaches to support the building of analysis and reflection competencies in teacher education.