Prof. Dr. Torsten Kanzow

Faculty 1 – Physics/Electrical Engineering

Torsten Kanzow has been Professor of Physical Oceanography of the Polar Seas in the Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering at the University of Bremen since October 20 and is the head of the Measuring Oceanography Department at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven. Kanzow studied Physical Oceanography at the University of Kiel and received his PhD there on the subject "Monitoring the Deep Meridional Flow in the Tropical North Atlantic". He then carried out research at the National Oceanography Center in Southampton, UK, to record Atlantic meridional circulation. In 2009, he accepted a professorship as a junior professor of physical oceanography at the University of Kiel and since then has been working there on the GEOMAR. His work is mainly based on the measurement of ocean currents. While initially specializing in the study of climate-relevant, large-scale ocean circulation, he recently devoted himself to small-scale circulation and mixing processes at the ocean margins. In Bremen, he will deal with the role of polar ocean currents in the climate system in the future.

Prof. Dr. Rita Groß-Hardt

Faculty 2 – Biology/Chemistry

Rita Groß-Hardt has been Professor of Molecular Genetics of Plants in the Faculty of Biology / Chemistry since April 2013. She studied biology and German studies in Tübingen and Flagstaff, Arizona (USA). In her doctorate in 2002, Gross-Hardt dealt with the formation of herbal ovules. As a scholarship holder of the research organization, she subsequently moved to the University of Zurich, where she studied the formation and differentiation of hereditary egg cells. In 2004 she returned to the University of Tübingen. She conducted research there, initially as an independent group leader and since October 2008 as a junior professor, on the topic of plant reproduction. Successful fertilization in plants involves several cell types that differ in extreme lifetime differences. The team led by Rita Gross-Hardt investigates how the different cell types are formed and which mechanisms regulate the lifetime of cells. In Bremen, the working group will also include the role of plant hormones in fertilization.


Prof. Dr. Armin Lechleiter

Faculty 3 – Mathematics/Computer Science

Since 1 October 2013, Armin Lechleiter has been Professor at the Center for Industrial Mathematics in the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science, were he has been a junior professor since October 2011. In research and teaching, he also represents the field of analysis and numerics of wave phenomena. Lechleiter started his scientific career in 2006 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where he studied mathematics with a minor in computer science from 2001 to 2006. Immediately after graduating in 2008, he was awarded the second prize in the 2009 Leslie Fox Prize Competition by the British Institute of Mathematics and its Applications for his research work. From 2008 to 2011 he worked as a PostDoc in a joint working group of the École Polytechnique and the INRIA Research Institute. Since 20012 he has been a member of the Scientific Board of the WAVES conference series. His research interests include theoretical and practical aspects of parameter identification in differential equations.

Prof. Dr. Andre W. Heinemann

Faculty 7 – Business Studies and Economics

André W. Heinemann has been Professor of Federal and Regional Financial Relations in the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics since March 2013. Heinemann studied economics at the University-Gesamthochschule Essen. At the University of Bremen, he received his doctorate in 2003 under Professor Rudolf Hickel on the reform of task and revenue distribution in Germany. He then moved to the Financial Policy Research Center to become Senate Commissioner for Transregional Financial Relations. Among other things, Heinemann advised on a judicial review of the Bremen Senate on the Financial Compensation Act before the Federal Constitutional Court. Between 2007 and 2013, Heinemann brought this experience into his work as a junior professor at the University of Bremen. In 2012 he habilitated here with a thesis on institutions and interjurisdictional competition. His focus is on the analysis of fiscal federalism and the multi-level systems in Germany and Europe, which incorporate institutional economic aspects. Together with the philosopher Dagmar Borchers, Heinemann was involved in setting up the interdisciplinary master's program "Complex Decisions".

Prof. Dr. Jens Pöppelbuß

Faculty 7 – Business Studies and Economics

As of July 1, 2013, Jens Pöppelbuß was appointed Junior Professor of Industrial Services in the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. From 2002 to 2007, Pöppelbuß studied business informatics at the University of Westphalia, where he also obtained his doctorate. As a research associate, Pöppelbuß worked in projects on information and business process management in hybrid value-added networks. He then moved to the AG Information Management of Professor Andreas Breiter in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science of the University of Bremen. As a junior professor, he is now building up the new field of work "Industry-related services", which addresses the potential of information systems to improve service delivery and service innovation. With his courses, he will also contribute to the bachelor's degree program Business Informatics, which was recently set up by the Faculties 3 and 7 at the University of Bremen.

Prof. Dr. Sonja Drobnič

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

Since 1 October 2013 Sonja Drobnič is Professor of Sociology in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bremen. She is working at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) as part of a professorship in the Excellence Initiative. Sonja Drobnič brings a wealth of study, research and teaching experience from universities in Germany and abroad for her work in Bremen. She has worked for example at the universities of Ljubljana, Stockholm, Syracuse, Cornell, Bremen, Harvard, Erfurt and Hamburg. Most recently, she held a professorship in sociology at the University of Hamburg. She returned to Bremen after twelve years - as a research associate she was already researching in the SFB 186 "Status Passages and Risks in the Curriculum Vitae". Now Sonja Drobnič is mainly interested in doctoral studies at BIGSSS. Her research interests focus on social stratification and mobility in the CV, gender inequalities in the labor market and family division of labor, social capital, new research methods, quality of life and work-life balance.

Prof. Dr. Miriam Hartlapp

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

Since 1 August 2013, Miriam Hartlapp has been teaching in the Faculty of Social Sciences as Professor for Governance and Organizational Research with a focus on European and national comparative governance structures and dynamics in welfare states. Prior to that, she headed the Schumpeter Junior Research Group "Positions in the EU Commission" at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB). The group, supported by the VolkswagenFoundation, examined internal processes of positioning the European Commission as a key player in European policy-making. Hartlapp studied European Studies in Osnabrück. She then worked as a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Social Research in Cologne. In 2003 she also obtained her doctorate in Osnabrück for the implementation of social law in the European multi-level system. She then worked as an expert of the International Labor Organization in Geneva and as a research assistant at the WZB. At the University of Bremen, Hartlapp wants to build up the area of ​​governance and organizational research and initiate a research group with a focus on regulative politics with social content.

Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

As part of a cooperation professorship, Sunhild Kleingärtner has been working since April 1, 2013 in the History Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Bremen for the field of Shipping History and Maritime Archeology. In addition, she is Managing Director of the German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven. As a certified research diver, Sunhild Kleingärtner was entrusted with various underwater archaeological excavations in the Baltic Sea region. She completed her studies of prehistory and early history, art history and classical archeology at the University of Kiel. In her doctorate, Kleingärtner dealt with issues relating to the Viking Age. She wrote her habilitation thesis on the early phase of urbanization on the southern Baltic coast. Until her move to Bremen, she was entrusted with the taking up of archaeological sites in the Wadden Sea at the Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research in Wilhelmshaven. Sunhild Kleingärtner will work in Bremen to teach maritime and underwater archeology topics in international programs.

Prof. Dr. Ingo Rohlfing

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

Ingo Rohlfing began his career at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) in mid-September 2013 as a professor of political science with a focus on qualitative methods. Rohlfing studied administration science at the University of Konstanz. He then worked as a research associate at the SFB 597 in Bremen "Statehood in Transition" until he earned his doctorate in political science at Jacobs University Bremen in 2007. He then worked as a post-doc at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne, before becoming assistant professor of Comparative Social Research at the Cologne Graduate School (CGS) from 2009 to 2013. His methodological research areas are qualitative methods and multi-method designs, which are understood as the combination of case studies and process analyzes with statistical methods or Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). In terms of content, Rohlfing deals with party competition and the determinants of the ideological change of parties as well as the organization of party organizations and the role of party members.

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Waligorska

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

Since July, 2013 Magdalena Waligórska has been Junior Professor of History and Culture of Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries in the Faculty of History, Department of Social Sciences. Here she represents Poland and the research area Jewish History and Culture. Born in Poland, she came from the University of Krakow via the Swedish Dalarna University to the European University Institute in Florence, where she earned her doctorate on klezmer music. She then moved to the Free University of Berlin as a Humboldt Fellow before receiving a call to Bremen. As an interdisciplinary border crosser between cultural studies, sociology and cultural history, she deals with both the memory of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism as well as with pop-cultural objects of research such as Klezmer, detective novels or ghosts. Her first book "Klezmer's Afterlife: An Ethnography of the Jewish Music Revival in Poland and Germany" was recently published by Oxford University Press.

Prof. Dr. Martina Winkler

Faculty 8 – Social Sciences

Martina Winkler has been Professor for the Cultural History of Central and Eastern Europe in the Faculty of Social Sciences since October 1, 2013, specializing in Czech History. Born in Berlin, she also completed her studies in history, general and comparative literature and law. After the graduating in Leipzig, further stations led her over Stanford, Moscow, Münster and the English midlands town of Loughborough to Bremen. Her research interests include not only Czech and Slovak contemporary history but also Russia's history in the 18th and 19th centuries. Thematically, she has done research and published on questions of national discourses, property history and territorialization as well as the history of shipping and the oceans. In Bremen, Martina Winkler wants to strengthen research on the history of socialist Czechoslovakia in particular. The focus is on issues of cultural history that shed light on life in a socialist society from the perspective of the dynamics of consensus and dissent.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Friemel

Faculty 9 – Cultural Studies

In September 2013, Thomas N. Friemel joined the newly created professorship for communication and media science with a focus on methodological innovation at the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) and at the Institute for Historical Publishing, Communication and Media Studies (IPKM) in the Faculty of Cultural Studies. A particular focus of his research is the application of social network analysis to communication and media science issues and the associated theoretical and methodological innovations. The focus is on phenomena such as social TV, communication campaigns in the health sector and dynamics of political discourse. Born in Switzerland, he completed his PhD in 2008 at the Institute for Mass Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich with a thesis on "Media Use in a Social Context" and was subsequently Visiting Scholar at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) and at the Renmin University in Beijing. From 2011 to 2012, he represented the Chair of Public Communication at the University of Augsburg.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Thomas

Faculty 9 – Cultural Studies

Tanja Thomas has been a professor of communication and media studies since September 2013 with a focus on comparative cultural analysis in the field of cultural studies. In particular, it reinforces the Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) and the Institute for Historical Publishing, Communication and Media Studies (IPKM). Since 2004, Tanja Thomas has been working as a junior professor, later as a professor of communication science and media culture - most recently as head of the institute of the same name - at Leuphana University Lüneburg. The aim of their qualitative studies is the penetration of processes of media change and the further development of cultural and social theory based media and communication theories. In more recent works Tanja Thomas discusses the concept of critical cosmopolitanism for media culture research. She has already published a wide range of contributions in the areas of media, communication and cultural theories and analyses, cultural studies and gender media studies. The junior research group "Transcultural Publicity and Solidarization in Contemporary Mediatization Processes", which Tanja Thomas is currently building in Bremen, is supported by three doctoral scholarships from the Hans Böckler Foundation.

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

Faculty 11 – Human and Health Sciences

Since 1 February 2013, Gabriele Bolte is Professor in the Faculty of Human and Health Sciences. In the hig-profile area 'Epidemiology and Health Sciences' she is responsible for social epidemiology and gender research in public health. Gabriele Bolte has many years of experience in public health research, practice and teaching through activities at the universities of Tübingen, Ulm and Munich, at the Helmholtz Zentrum München as well as at the Federal Office for Radiation Protection and the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety. After studying theoretical medicine at the University of Marburg and epidemiology / public health at the LMU Munich, she habilitated in epidemiology at the University of Ulm. Bolte is a board member of the German Society for Public Health and spokeswoman for women's and gender-specific health research of the German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention. In Bremen, she will develop new research priorities: environmental justice - equal opportunities in the environment and health; Gender and health - gender in epidemiology and health inequalities influenced by public health interventions. She is particularly interested in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research approaches.

Prof. Dr. Marc Thielen

Faculty 12 – Pedagogy and Educational Sciences

As of April 1, 2013, Marc Thielen was appointed Professor of Education in the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences. Born in Saarland, after studying social work and education in Saarbücken and Frankfurt / Main, he earned his doctorate on gender-specific (refugee) migration of Iranian men. For this he was awarded the Augsburg Science Award for Intercultural Studies in 2009. Since 2004, Thielen has worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Special Needs Education at the University of Frankfurt in projects for the professional integration of socially disadvantaged youth and adults. In 2012 he took over the representation of a special pedagogical professorship at the University of Koblenz-Landau. In Bremen, Thielen is building up the new field of work "Educational Institutions / Processes and Migration". He is currently studying pedagogical practices to promote educational attainment in scholastic vocational preparation. In doing so, the educational scientist will focus on the importance of diversity in the transition from school to work