Objective 8 – Intensifying cooperation in the region
The challenge
Cooperation is integral to science – internationally, regionally, with colleagues from other academic institutions and with private enterprises as well as societal actors. Especially within the local region, manifold opportunities exist to complement competences and develop synergies in close cooperation based on mutual trust. In the face of today’s growing demands on research and education, it is possible to benefit mutually from cooperation in the areas of teaching and learning, research and development, innovation and public engagement. Moreover, changes in the law and in funding policies within the German science system will impact on the collaboration between universities and non-university research institutions in future years. The universities are in a position to help shape this process.
Our approach
Cooperation is a defining feature of the University of Bremen: it exploits the advantages accruing from the short lines of communication in Bremen and on the campus with its adjoining Technology Park. Working in close cooperation with other research institutions in the Federal State of Bremen, the University has the opportunity to share and make more efficient use of resources, to coordinate research perspectives at an early stage, and to enhance the international visibility of Bremen as a science centre. The formation of the ‘U Bremen Research Alliance’ as a hub of strategic cooperation with its non-university partner institutes paves the way ahead.
In addition to the above, the University of Bremen has for a long time been active in the ‘Association of North German Universities’, especially with regard to developing the quality of academic teaching and learning. Going forward, it will cooperate even more closely with other institutions of higher education in Bremen and in the north of Germany.
As the only public research university in the Federal State of Bremen, we have a vested interest in the State’s development. The University contributes significantly to the economic development of the region, stimulates business start-ups, secures the supply of specialists as well as management personnel, and is responsible for teacher education. In so doing, the University reflects and responds to changes in society and the economy, contributes to innovations, and enriches the city culturally. The University will intensify this exchange going forward.
Our goals
- To coordinate research projects within the framework of the U Bremen Research Alliance as a forum for intensive scientific cooperation and communication, create joint services and jointly appoint top scientists. To develop and share infrastructure and facilities on the basis of innovative operator models in cooperation also with our non-university partners.
- To develop ways to incorporate research-intensive institutes funded by the State of Bremen into the University.
- To create synergies in teaching and learning, research and administration in the north of Germany and coordinate activities between the University of Bremen, the two Bremen Universities of Applied Sciences, the University of the Arts, the private Jacobs University as well as the nearby universities of Oldenburg and Hamburg.
- To communicate the results of our research, seek dialogue with local citizens, with school students, cultural institutions and societal actors, and involve the public in our research endeavours.
- To make a major contribution to developing the quality of the Bremen school system through our teacher education courses and research on education and classroom teaching.
- To combine the University’s activities in innovation and public engagement with the main focuses of the regional economy and Bremen culture and civil society, recruit national and international partners to widen our innovation activities, and exploit the potential of our alumni.
- To involve the University in the development of the surrounding area and to this end grow the Technology Park as a platform for start-ups and cooperation projects.
Objective 1 | Strengthening interdisciplinary profiles – Objective 2 | Stimulating new ideas – Objective 3 | Promoting talent and academic independence – Objective 4 | Innovative learning and teaching – Objective 5 | Diverse learning opportunities – Objective 6 | Developing staff potential – Objective 7 | Building bridges to the world – Objective 9 | Shaping digitalisation