Job Vacancies

Professor (f/m/d) for the subject area Didactics of Mathematics for Primary and Elementary Education

Faculty 12 - Pedagogical & Educational Studies

Classifications W 2 - full-time
Reference number: P296/25
Closing date: 04/09/2025
External vacancy

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At the University of Bremen, Faculty 12: Educational Sciences

in the subject of elementary mathematics as of 1 October 2026, the position of a

Professor (f/m/d)

- Bes. Gr. W2 -

for the subject area

Didactics of Mathematics for Primary and Elementary Education
- Reference number: 296/25 -


Is to be filled. If the general requirements under civil service law are met, civil service is granted for life.

Job description

At the Department of Educational Sciences, academics teach and research in Departments A General Educational Science, B School Pedagogy and Didactics, C Inclusive Pedagogy and D Subject Didactics of Primary and Elementary Education. In Department D, the didactics of mathematics, interdisciplinary science education and didactics of German language and literature cooperate with each other.

We are looking for an outstandingly proven scientist with a research focus in the field of primary school, who can represent the didactics of mathematics in primary school in research and teaching across the board. As head of the Department of Mathematics Didactics in Faculty 12 and responsible for the sub-degree programme in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes for the teaching professions for primary school and primary school/inclusive education (IP), you will be responsible for the basic structure of the mathematics didactic modules as well as the module variants for early childhood education. This also includes the design, further development and implementation of modules as well as the acceptance of examinations. You are also responsible for the academic qualification in the teaching area and participate in the further training of teachers. As a rule, lectures are to be held in German.



A (teacher) degree in mathematics is a prerequisite for your employment. Furthermore, you have completed an outstanding relevant PhD and have a habilitation or scientific achievements equivalent to habilitation in the field of mathematics didactics for primary school. We expect visibility in the mathematics didactic community, also in an international context. Primary school-related research activities, lectures and publications on current primary school-related topics in mathematics didactics as well as experience in the acquisition of competitively awarded funding are expected. In addition, you have didactic competence and teaching experience at Bachelor's and Master's level and are able to conduct courses in German.

Only those who can prove at least three years of practical school experience should be appointed to the professorship. The appeal is based on § 18 BremHG and § 116 BremBG.

It is desirable that you have experience in academic self-administration and we expect you take part in the self-administration of the department as part of your work. In addition, the willingness to cooperate within the University and beyond is desired. Opportunities are available, among others, with didactical and educational working groups in Faculty 12, e.g. within the profile focus "School and Teaching Development under the Condition of Inclusion", with colleagues from the Didactics of Mathematics working group in Faculty 3 Mathematics/Computer Science, in the further design of the Math Studio (“matelier“) and the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZfLB). Cooperation within the existing working group for didactic of mathematics in Faculty 12 is assumed.

General Information

The University of Bremen offers a variety of services that support newly appointed professors, such as a Welcome Center, childcare and dual career options, as well as offers for personnel development and further education.


The University of Bremen is committed to implementing its diversity strategy at all levels and wants to increase the diversity and diversity of perspectives of its employees. That's why applications from queer people, people of color and people with migration experience are particularly welcome. We would like to increase the proportion of women in management positions in a targeted manner and expressly encourage women to apply. Priority will be given to people with severe disabilities if their professional and personal aptitude is essentially comparable.

Please send your application by April 9th, 2025, specifying the above number to the

Fachbereich 12 „Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften“
Johanna Happel

Postfach 33 04 40
28334 Bremen

If you have any questions about the professorship, please contact the Dean of FB12 Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu on dekaninfb12protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

In addition, please provide the application documents (in PDF format) on a USB stick or send them in electronic form to the following address: fb12bk3protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de .


The University of Bremen provides detailed information on appointment procedures and negotiations under