An Exchange between Academia and Politics: Social Policy Forum

The German Institute for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research (DIFIS) of the Universities of Bremen and Duisburg-Essen is hosting the forum of the Fördernetzwerks Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung (FIS) and the Social Policy Biennale from October 5 to 7, 2022 in Bremen.

The event, which takes place at the Bremen Parliament, is an important format of the German Institute for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research (DIFIS) for an exchange between academia, politics, and practice in the field of social policy. The University of Bremen’s project partner is the Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM). The Social Policy Biennale aims to offer international perspectives on social policy. The conference will take place in a hybrid format in order to allow as many interested parties as possible to participate.

In addition to lectures by keynote speakers, such as Federal Constitutional Judge Astrid Wallrabenstein, the program also includes panel discussions with representatives from academia, politics, and practice. During the panel discussion on the “Vision and Reality of the Cooperative Welfare State in Light of Current Societal Challenges,” DIFIS Director Professor Ute Klammer will be in conversation with politician Andreas Audretsch from the Green Party and Birgit Fix from the German Caritas Association.
On the second day (October 6, 2022), the President of the University, Professor Jutta Günther, will open the conference and welcome the guests together with DIFIS Director Professor Ute Klammer.

The program is complemented by thematic streams on occupational inclusion, working conditions in the health sector, and interdisciplinary migration research. It will include presentations on current research results with a national and international focus and a critical analysis of the same by practice and research.

On the one hand, the FIS Forum with Social Policy Biennale 2022 is aimed at researchers who work on sociopolitical topics from different perspectives, with different methods, and from different disciplines (established and up-and-coming researchers). On the other hand, practitioners and experts from associations, clubs, counselling centers, and other institutions working on sociopolitical issues are also addressed, as are social policy decision-makers at municipal, state, and federal level. Journalists from the field of social policy are also cordially invited to take part in the forum and gain insights into current debates.

Further Information:



Dr. Pia Jaeger
German Institute for Interdisciplinary
Social Policy Research (DIFIS)
SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
University of Bremen
Email: pia.jaegerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Tel.: +49 421 218-58568

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