And Where To Now? Scenic Reading on Discrimination of Sinti and Roma

The discrimination of Sinti and Roma in the German Empire is the topic of the 16th reading of the “From the Files to the Stage” series. The premiere will be at Theater am Leibnizplatz on June 25, 2021, and will also be available live and for free on the web.

“In the German Empire, people who were stigmatized as ‘gypsies’ were subject to hostility, repression, and deportation,” explains Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros, who is the head of the historical theater project From the Files to the Stage at the University of Bremen. “Politicians attacked them, police authorities took them in and made them out to be criminals.” Many tried to build a future for themselves in different places. “Yet, regardless of where they arrived - discrimination waited for them everywhere in Europe.”

State Persecution and Social Exclusion

In 1906, around 150 German women, men, and children traveled from the German Empire to Great Britain, explains the historian. “They wanted to earn money at horse markets and fairs and lead a life without harassment. However, they were faced with rejection there as well. In the British parliament, ministers discussed tighter entry restriction.” They were described as intruders in the press - “often under the headline ‘German Gypsy Invasion.’” The police forced them from one location to the next. “And Where To Now?” (“Und wohin jetzt?”) tells the story of these families, but also Bremen families, on the search for a life free from state persecution and social exclusion.

Project as International Cooperation

The 16th project from the From the Files to the Stage series has been created in collaboration with the researchers from the HERA project “Beyond Stereotypes: Cultural Exchanges and the Romani Contribution to European Public Spaces” (BESTROM) at the universities of Seville, Liverpool, Helsinki, and Krakow.

Panel: Antiziganism in Europe - Yesterday and Today

After a short excerpt from the reading, a panel discussion on the topic of “Antiziganism in Europe - Yesterday and Today” will take place between 3 and 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 24, at EuropaPunkt Bremen. Romeo Franz, a member of the European Parliament, and Dardo Balke from the Bremerhaven Sinti Association will speak to the historians Prof. Dr. Eve Rosenhaft and Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros about the participation of Sinti and Roma in the EU and in Bremen and will provide insights into the situation on the ground.

Award-Winning Project

From the Files to the Stage is a historical theater project at the University of Bremen that is led by Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros and bremer shakespeare company (bsc). The concept: History students research historical sources, Peter Lüchinger from bsc is responsible for text editing for scenic readings, and the actors and actresses bring them to life on stage.
In 2019, Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit by the Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier for her work on historical-political education.

Further Information:

Link to the premiere: (in German only) (in German only)
Tickets can be purchased at


Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros
History Department
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67251
Email: esqprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Englische Postkarte "Our Gipsy Visitors" („Unsere Zigeuner-Gäste“) von 1906, die deutsche Sinti und Roma in Großbritannien zeigt.
English postcard "Our Gipsy Visitors" from 1906 showing German Sinti and Roma in Great Britain.