Application Open: Bremen University Award for Outstanding Teaching

For the second time, Bremen State is handing out the Bremen University Award for Outstanding Teaching. The prize aims to make the great significance of university teaching visible and create an incentive for further dedication and support in this area.

The quality of teaching is a central characteristic of top-level universities. The prizes will be awarded for outstanding and innovative work in teaching, assessing, advising, and supervising students at one of Bremen’s universities. The award is endowed with 40,000 euros in total. Bremen State is funding the first prize with 25,000 euros and the second prize with 15,000 euros. The award from the Senator for Science and Ports is handed out every two years.

Who can apply?

The call for applications for the first prize is only aimed at research groups / organizational units from the four state universities in Bremen. The call for applications for the second prize is only aimed at teaching staff from the four state universities in Bremen as individual persons as per § 5 BremHG. The award winners may use the prize money for work-related purposes as they see fit.

How are the winners chosen?

The research groups, organizational units, and individual persons nominate themselves and direct their application to the Senator for Science and Ports. It must be stated on the application documents whether the application is for an individual person or a group. It is not intended for each of the university management teams to carry out a pre-selection process.

The submitted applications will be checked and rated by a jury put together by the Senator for Science and Ports. The jury is comprised of the management teams and students from the universities in Bremen and Bremerhaven, external experts, and a representative from the Senator's Office for Science and Ports. Active jury members may not apply for the Bremen University Award. Former jury members may only apply for the award once two years have passed since their departure from the board.

Further Information:

All applications, including all relevant documents, must be submitted via email to Landeslehrpreis-bremenprotect me ?!swh.bremenprotect me ?!.de by July 06, 2022.

The application form:

The call for applications for the Bremen University Award for Outstanding Teaching.
Application for the Bremen University Award for Outstanding Teaching.
Declaration of consent for the Bremen University Award for Outstanding Teaching.


Dr. Mario Domann-Käse
Senator's Office for Science and Ports
Phone: +49 421 361 15660
Email: Mario.Domann-Kaeseprotect me ?!wissenschaft.bremenprotect me ?!.de

Audience in a crowded lecture hall.