Architecture and Revolts: Talks Marking 50th Jubilee

What makes the University of Bremen’s architecture special and how is the idea of a reform uni reflected in it? That is what a talk by the expert Eberhard Syring is all about. It will take place at 6 p.m. on May 20, 2021, as part of a series marking the University of Bremen’s 50th birthday.

In the 1970s, the young University of Bremen was a talking point as a reform university. The question of whether the university’s architecture reflected or contradicted the approaches of the “Bremen Model” was posed. In his talk, Professor Eberhard Syring will shed light on the main architectural concepts of the late modern era that influenced the University of Bremen in the context of reform approaches. Additionally, he will compare and contrast the concepts and buildings from the founding phase with the content-related redirection towards natural and engineering science focus areas in the 1980s, which was also accompanied by an architectural change in paradigm. The event will take place digitally via Zoom and participation is possible via this link: (ID: 961 4736 7090; access code: 307558)

Additional Talk in May on Students Revolts

In the frame of the “Looking Back – Looking Forward. A Foray into 50 Years of the University of Bremen” series, Professor Anne Rohstock from the University of Tübingen will hold a talk in German on the topic of “Student Revolts and Higher Education Reform in the Context of the Cold War” (“Studierendenrevolte und Hochschulreform im Kontext des Kalten Krieges”) on Thursday, May 27, 2021. This talk will also be available on Zoom and can be reached via this link:

(ID: 944 8668 0514; access code: 055592)

Series on the University’s 50-Year History

The lecture series is being organized by the History Department (Modern and Contemporary History) in cooperation with the University of Bremen Archive. It focuses on the history of the former reform university against its social and political background.

50 Years of the University of Bremen – We Would Like to Thank Our Partners

•    University of Bremen Alumni Network
•    AOK – Die Gesundheitskasse
•    Bremen NEXT
•    Bremen Vier
•    Die Sparkasse Bremen
•    "unifreunde" Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University
•    Bremer Wertpapierbörse
•    Weser-Kurier
•    WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH

Further Information:

•    Information and registration details for the whole lecture series can be found here:  (in German only)
•    Service for the media:
Via this link, you can find additional press texts and photos concerning the University of Bremen and the topics surrounding “50 Years of the University of Bremen”:
•    Hashtags: #UniBremen50 / #OffenSeit1971 / #50JahreWarum


Oliver Behnecke
Project Manager – “50 Years of the University of Bremen”
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60120

Meike Mossig
Deputy Head of the Administrative Unit for University Communication and Marketing
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60168
Email: mmossigprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

University of Bremen
What makes the University of Bremen’s architecture special and how is the idea of a reform uni reflected in it?