Artificial Intelligence: The Promise, the Myth, and a Pinch of Reality?

All interested parties are invited to partake in the talk, which will focus on artificial intelligence, in the Schütting building at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 7. The talk marks the start of the 33rd Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche conference on the topic of data science.

In the lecture, one aspect that Professor Monett Díaz from the Berlin School of Economics and Law will address is the history of artificial intelligence and intelligence definitions. She will highlight the connected expectations that have existed since the founding of this field, as well as the myths and hype surrounding AI. The TV journalist Felix Krömer from Radio Bremen will host the evening. Professor Alexander Witte, chair of the Wolfgang Ritter Foundation, and state councilor Tim Cordßen-Ryglewski from the Senator for Science and Ports in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, will hold introductory speeches. Those interested in the event can register via this email address: bugprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

Online Conference Participation Possible

After the lecture, the Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche conference will take place as a hybrid event for the first time ever on Friday, October 8, 2021. It is possible to participate digitally with prior registration at .

Notes for the media: The speaker, Professor Monett Díaz is available for interviews beforehand. Contact: Dr. Christina Jung, email: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

What Will the 33rd Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche Conference Focus On?

New technologies are shaping our daily lives and digitalization now affects all areas of life. When digital technologies are used, data is collected, automatically generated, and continually saved. This creates data sets that can be analyzed with the help of computer-supported processes. In this way, data science makes it possible to yield findings from structured or even unstructured data. The further development of future technologies and the strengthening of competences in the field of data science are of utmost importance in keeping and improving our competitive position. At the same time, central societal questions concerning the handling of data and the acceptance of data-supported processes are being posed.

Collecting, preparing, and analyzing data and then securely storing and archiving it in order to make it accessible for further scientific use are significant elements of the research process. Many fields of research in varying disciplines are changing and are taking on a new shape thanks to digitalization. Science in general is being increasingly powered by data and identifying standard procedures plays a key role in many research fields. New developments, such as machine learning and deep learning, create powerful and comprehensive research strategies in numerous areas of application. It is due to this development that the Data Science Center was established at the University of Bremen in 2020.

In the frame of the 2021 Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche conference, the newest developments in science will be presented in three sessions:

1.    Data Science and Research Data Management
2.    Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities
3.    Data Science and Societal Responsibility

With computer science as the starting point, effects and tendencies, especially in other scientific disciplines, are to be addressed. An additional aim is to show the ethical, social, and legal implications and to discuss them critically. A panel discussion with representatives from politics and society will bring the sessions together and complete the event.

Rolf Drechsler and Andreas Breiter from the University of Bremen are responsible for the scientific event coordination. Both professors work within the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science. Rolf Drechsler is also the head of the Cyber-Physical Systems research group at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Andreas Breiter is the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of the University of Bremen and director of the Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH (ifib).

The Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche Conference

Since 1988, the Wolfgang Ritter Foundation, the University of Bremen, and the “unifreunde” association have been inviting people to the Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche conference. The aim is to stimulate a dialog on topical issues with social partners beyond the scientific framework. A lively exchange between representatives from science, politics, and business can give the discussion new impetus and practical relevance.

Further Information:  (in German only)  (in German only)  (in German only)


Dr. Christina Jung
UniTransfer - Sponsors and Partners
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60336
email: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Portrait einer Frau mit Zopf.
In ihrem Festvortrag geht Professorin Monett Díaz unter anderem auf die Geschichte von Künstlicher Intelligenz und Intelligenz-Definitionen ein.