Climate Protection and Mobility at the University: Survey Begins

How do students and employees get to the university? Do they mainly use public transport, their bicycle, or their car? What services would they like to see? These questions are the focus of a survey on mobility at the University of Bremen and the Technology Park.

Employees and students are invited to participate in the survey. It is part of a broad discussion process between the various stakeholders and is intended to provide the university and the companies of the Technology Park with current data on mobility behavior and to explore perspectives and needs for sustainable mobility.

The environmental protection management of the University of Bremen sees personal mobility behavior as an important component in the climate protection campaign that has been running for a year.  
The campaign is aimed at the university's 3,500 employees and its 20,000 students. Additionally, there are more than 13,500 employees of the Technology Park with its 550 high-tech companies
This will enable a comprehensive consideration of the location, which is recommended from the perspective of transportation policy and planning. After all, a sustainable climate and energy policy also includes investments in a modified transportation infrastructure, especially with regard to strengthening public transportation and creating more attractive offers for cyclists.
The environmental management team hopes that the survey will provide information on the extent to which individual mobility is influenced by external conditions. For example, whether there are enough parking spaces, whether the public transportation system is attractive, and how cyclists rate the local situation.  
The survey will be rounded off with an anonymized residential location analysis based on postal codes and a survey of the parking situation at the University of Bremen.

More information:



Dr. Doris Sövegjarto-Wigbers
Environment and Climate Protection Management
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-63376 
Email: soeveprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Universität Bremen
The environmental management team hopes that the survey will provide information on the extent to which individual mobility is influenced by external conditions. For example, whether there are enough parking spaces, whether the public transportation system is attractive, and how cyclists rate the local situation.