Foundations as Driving Forces: Campaign Day on October 01

How are Bremen foundations sources of societal change? This question will be asked at the “Zusammen gestalten wir Zukunft” campaign day at House of Science, to which the University of Bremen Foundation and Stiftungshaus Bremen invite you on October 01, 2021. Registration is open until September 28.

Foundations are active in our society in diverse ways and the number of foundations is increasing from year to year. Private fortune is growing and donating is a great way to make a change. However, many people are unaware of this possibility. How diverse the foundation landscape is, what motivates sponsors, what foundations actually do, what influence their work has, and what contributions they make in society: All of that will become visible at the Europe-wide campaign day on October 01, 2021.

Various aspects will be highlighted during workshops and a panel discussion at House of Science in Bremen on Friday, October 01, 2021.

In the morning, those interested in foundations will have the chance to find out more about the practices and future of donating in three workshops from 11 a.m. onwards.
1.    “(Ver)erben, stiften, spenden – Was kann ich Gutes tun mit meinem Geld?”
2.    “Stiften für die Zukunft: Formate der Wissenschaftsförderung”
3.    “Aus der Praxis der Stiftungsaufsichtsbehörde”

In the afternoon, a panel discussion with the Senator for Science Dr. Claudia Schilling will take place:

At 4 p.m., after a short presentation, the Leibniz prizewinner and co-author of the current IPCC report Prof. Veronika Eyring will talk to Dr. Udo Ernst (University of Bremen), Dr. Rita Kellner-Stoll (KELLNER & STOLL FOUNDATION FOR THE CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT), Senator Dr. Claudia Schilling (Science and Ports), Fenja Meyer (Deutschlandstipendium scholarship holder), and Alexander Witte (Wolfgang Ritter Foundation).
Registration: Please register for the workshops and the panel discussion here by September 28, 2021:

Event Location: House of Science, Olbers-Saal, Sandstrasse 4/5, Bremen
Please note: The current 3G regulations apply at this event.

Further Information:

All events that are taking place as part of the “MACHT SINN” foundation project to mark the University of Bremen’s 50th jubilee can be found here: (in German only) (in German only)


Dr. Christina Jung
UniTransfer - University of Bremen Transfer Office
University of Bremen Foundation
Phone: +49 421 218-60336
Email: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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