future concepts bremen: Business Model Innovation in 100 Days

Students from the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship at the University have presented solutions for business model innovations for companies and institutions in Bremen. The participating companies included DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung, CITY 46 Kommunalkino, and Sparkasse Bremen.

The innovation solutions were developed by 35 students as part of the "future concepts bremen – case studies from the field" course. They received intensive support from university lecturer Leon Marquardt and tutor Silke Melzer-Counen through iterative presentation cycles and regular coaching.

This summer semester's practical partners were the Bremen – Bremerhaven Employment Agency, Business Technology Consulting AG, DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH, CITY 46 Kommunalkino Bremen e.V., ÜberseeHub GmbH, TOPAS Industriemathematics Innovation gGmbH, and Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH.

future concepts bremen (fcb) is an innovative teaching format. It brings students and practical partners together. Teams from different disciplines develop solutions for business model innovations in 100 days with non-profit, public, and private sector organizations. fcb implements the basic idea of research-based learning and supports knowledge and technology transfer to business and society. Through the cooperation of researchers, business partners, and students, business model innovations are regularly created and often implemented.

Practical Partners Benefit from Students' Business Model Innovations

"Since its introduction, the future concepts bremen format has generated a great deal of interest. The field appreciates the format as a way of gaining initial impetus for innovation and coming into contact with highly motivated and highly qualified students," says Professor Dr. Jörg Freiling, holder of the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX) within the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen. "Students appreciate the format because of the highest level of practical relevance, the teaching of agile working skills, and the development of many soft skills – in addition to the interdisciplinary experience. They also see the collaboration as an opportunity to orient themselves in terms of their future careers."

future concepts bremen is organized by the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX) at the University of Bremen and is initiated and supported by the Senator for Economy, Ports, and Transformation.

The Practical Partners and Projects

Bremen - Bremerhaven Employment Agency | Qualification measures

Analysis of the referral process and development of communication formats to optimize customer-oriented communication and awareness of the qualification measures of clients of the Bremen – Bremerhaven Employment Agency.

Business Technology Consulting AG | Information architecture

Analysis and relaunch concept of Business Technology Consulting AG's corporate website for new and existing customers.

DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung GmbH | Brand communication

Concept for a DB-characteristic design of the entrance hall of the DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltungs GmbH Bremen facility.

CITY 46 Kommunalkino Bremen e.V. | Business model expansion – sustainable positioning

Development of a future-oriented utilization concept for a movie theater of the CITY 46 Kommunalkino Bremen e.V. to strengthen it as a cultural and educational location.

ÜberseeHub GmbH by Sparkasse Bremen AG | Personal finance manager – user research

Development of a concept for a personal finance manager app as a digital counseling and service solution that makes people's financial lives easier.

TOPAS Industrial Mathematics Innovation gGmbH | AI-tools

Evaluation of possible applications of AI tools with area of focus "Generative AI" in the context of SMEs and development of an evaluation matrix for the business development of TOPAS Industrial Mathematics Innovation gGmbH.

Bremen Economic Development GmbH | Skilled personnel marketing – event management

Conception of an event format to enable Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH to support Bremen-based companies in attracting students as future skilled workers.

Further Information:




Prof. Dr. Jörg Freiling
Head of Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-66870
Email: freilingprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Bachelor's degree students from the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen have presented solutions for business model innovations for companies and institutions in Bremen.
Bachelor's degree students from the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen have presented solutions for business model innovations for companies and institutions in Bremen.