How Bremen Is Becoming a “Healthy City”: Launch of New Research Cluster

What does health care in Bremen have to look like so that its citizens can live as long and as healthily as possible? This question is being explored by a research cluster called “Healthy City of Bremen: Interprofessional, Digital, Sustainable” within the framework of the Integrated Health Campus.

The Senator for Science and Ports will be supporting researchers from the University of Bremen, the Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, and the Apollon University of Applied Sciences in their work for a period of four years. The aim of the cluster is to find out how the different areas of the health-care system can be networked in order to function better and more sustainably across the board. The research projects not only work on a theoretical basis, but also involve a wide range of population groups.

Dr. Claudia Schilling, Senator for Science and Ports: “With the research cluster ‘Healthy City of Bremen,’ we are taking an important step on the road to becoming a city that focuses on the health of its citizens. When we founded the Integrated Health Campus Bremen a year ago, we gave importance and structure to the idea of linking different health sectors. With the Healthy City of Bremen research cluster, the idea of networking is now becoming concrete and put into practice. What is particularly important to me is that it is research with people, not about people. Young people, mothers, older people, and people in need of care are being involved and heard.”

Professor Michal  Kucera, Vice President for Research and Transfer at the University of Bremen: “Research on the health of the population and urban development brings together different disciplines in an innovative way in order to address a topic of high relevance to society. I am delighted that the University of Bremen is contributing its expertise and its researchers to the research cluster Healthy City of Bremen. The cluster has the potential to make a visible national contribution to sustainable urban development that promotes health.”

Professor Karin Luckey, President of the Bremen City University of Applied Sciences: “With the interuniversity state program ‘Healthy City’ research cluster, Bremen is sending a strong signal: by jointly supporting young researchers, we are creating attractive, future-oriented framework conditions. Health is a major social issue for the state of Bremen. The research results will be transferred directly into practice. The Bremen City University of Applied Sciences is making an additional contribution to this with the academicization of health-care and nursing professions.”

Professor Viviane Scherenberg, Vice President for Strategic Cooperation and Transfer at the Apollon University of Applied Sciences Bremen: “In view of the diverse environmental and climate-related challenges, we are very pleased to work with our partner universities and important facilitators  on the issue of health to find forward-looking, research-based solutions for the benefit of Bremen’s public health.”

The Integrated Health Campus

In 2021, the Senator for Science and Ports issued a call for proposals for the Healthy City of Bremen research cluster in cooperation with the Integrated Health Campus Bremen. The total of six research projects funded in the research cluster are intended to generate ideas for improved care for the population of Bremen. At the same time, with the call for proposals for the research cluster, the research department  is combining the university policy objective of strengthening the links between Bremen’s universities through collaborative research initiatives. Researchers from the University of Bremen – in particular from the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP), the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, and the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, are involved. The faculties of Social Sciences, Architecture/Building/Environment  as well as the Institute for Energy and the Circular Economy are represented at the Bremen City University of Applied Sciences. The Apollon University of Applied Sciences is involved with the faculties of Health Economics and Management , Psychology, and Pedagogy.
One postdoc position, five doctoral positions, and one administrative position will be funded for a period of four years.

Further Information:



Professor Gabriele Bolte
University of Bremen
Faculty of Human and Health Sciences
Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, IPP
Phone: +49 421 218-68820
Email: gabriele.bolteprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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