Language Learning in the Winter Semester

21 languages and over 200 courses: On October 16, the Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen will start its program, which includes semester and intensive courses as well as paid educational leave. Catalan is a new addition to the program.

The range of subject-specific courses in English is particularly large and includes, for example, the areas of technology, natural and social sciences, health care, and English as a business language. These courses are often combined with the opportunity to obtain a B2 or C1 certificate. The next certified exam for Italian (CILS exam) will take place in December.

New Courses and Expansion of Multilingual Formats

The range of multilingual course formats has been expanded. In the winter semester, in addition to Slavic languages, various Romance languages can now also be learned in a double pack. A new compact course on the language and culture of Russia will be offered directly during orientation week. For the first time in a long time, an advanced course in Swedish (B1.1) will take place during the semester.  
In the field of English, the "Thesis Writing Society" course accompanies and counsels students on writing English-language theses throughout the winter semester.
Independent Language Learning and Coaching

The tutoring program will enter another round in the winter semester. This program offers students the opportunity to learn according to their individual needs and to receive support and guidance from tutors. In the language self-study center (in GW2), there are language cafés for nine languages and various workshops on learning strategies, tandem learning, and exam preparation. Assistance with writing in English is offered by the Writer's Help Desk with individual one-on-one counseling by appointment. All of these services are free of charge for students of the University of Bremen.

Further Information:

Contact via email: szhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Würfel mit Buchstaben
21 languages and over 200 courses: On October 16, the Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB) will start its program, which includes semester and intensive courses as well as paid educational leave.