Learning Languages in the Winter Semester – in Class or on Your Own

If you want to refresh your language skills or learn a completely new language, you will find many opportunities at the Language Centre. Courses will be offered for 19 languages. A Ukrainian course is a new addition. Most of the courses will take place in person again.

There is a particularly wide range of subject-related courses in English, for example in the fields of technology, natural and social sciences, and English as a business language. Most courses offer the chance to earn a B2 or C1 certificate. The TOEFL iBT® language test can still be taken at the Language Centre, as can suitable preparatory courses.

Courses for Heritage Languages and German as a Second Language

The heritage language courses for Kurdish, Polish, Russian and Turkish are worthy of note. They are aimed at students who acquired these languages at home and want to improve these language skills in an academic context. These courses are free of charge for University of Bremen students. For students who came to Germany as children or teenagers, the Language Centre also offers free writing and presentation workshops for German as a second language.

Wide Range of Options for Independent Language Learning

Individual tutorial support for independent language learning is at the core of the tutoring program, which is free of charge for students at the University of Bremen. Feedback on English-language texts of all kinds and further assistance with writing in English is provided by the WRITER’S HELP DESK, with one-on-one consultations by appointment. The self-learning center also offers additional services, such as guidance about TAPAS – the online tandem placement service – as well as about language cafés, where people can communicate in a relaxed atmosphere.

Further Information:

Email: szhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Language Course
If you want to refresh your language skills or learn a completely new language, you will find many opportunities at the Language Centre. Courses will be offered for 19 languages.