Macht Sinn!: Exhibition Opening November 10 in the Wallsaal

On November 10, 2022, it will finally be time: the University of Bremen Foundation will be presenting its exhibition “MACHT SINN! Stiften für die Wissenschaft” in the Wallsaal of the Bremen public library. It summarizes the campaign MACHT SINN!, with which the Foundation participated in the universi

The Project

The aim of the project MACHT SINN! [Makes sense. Donating to science] is to highlight and acknowledge the remarkable civic commitment of the citizens of Bremen to science and education. At the same time, outstanding projects by scientists at the University of Bremen will be presented, which, with the support of foundations, contribute to overcoming societal challenges and have an impact on urban society. The project gives the people and motivations behind the foundations and research projects a chance to be seen and heard. 

Ten believers of supporting science, research, and education are portrayed in the exhibition and also in the soon-to-be-released book. You can therefore read about them there and also hear them in a series of podcasts: Professor Rolf Drechsler, former Senator Manfred Fluß, Professor Helga Grubitzsch, Sylvia Jürgens, Dr. Rita Kellner-Stoll, Professor Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Axel Schubert, Khaled Swaidan, adjunct lecturer Cordula Weissköppel, and Charline Wolff.

The Exhibition

The exhibition MACHT SINN! will be open as of November 11, 2022, in the Wallsaal of the Bremen public library’s main branch (opening hours: Based on ten topics of focus, it presents ten personalities – researchers, students, and donors – and their funding projects at the University of Bremen, thereby demonstrating the connection between research, support, and donations. MACHT SINN! utilizes multiple forms of media; for example, for deeper insights, QR codes lead to podcasts featuring project presentations and interviews with the ten personalities.

Where You Can Find MACHT SINN!

November to December 2022 Wallsaal of the Bremen public library’s main branch (vernissage on Nov. 10, 2022 at 7 p.m.)
January to March 2023 Stiftungshaus Bremen
April to June 2023 MZH/University of Bremen | July to October 2023 Haus der Wissenschaft [house of research]

Coming Soon: The Book on the Exhibition

The elaborately designed book will soon be published by OPEN SPACE. The reversible book has two parts and contains many cross-references. The first part (A) presents ten portraits that aim to delve into the motivations and experiences of the researchers and benefactors. The second part (B) first briefly introduces the Bremen foundations that currently support the University of Bremen, and then focuses on ten of the projects mentioned in part A that were made possible with the support of foundations.

Parts A and B are prefaced by Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen – himself a benefactor – and Dr. Christine Backhaus (Stiftungshaus Bremen).

MACHT SINN! Stiften für die Wissenschaft is available for 30 euros in bookshops or directly from the publisher: MACHT SINN! Stiften für die Wissenschaft. First edition (2022). Open Space Edition, Bremen. ISBN 978-3-947225-28-6

Further Information: (in German)


Dr. Christina Jung
Unit 16 Transfer & External Partners
University of Bremen
Phone +49 421 218-60336
Email: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


The University of Bremen Foundation will be presenting its exhibition “MACHT SINN! Stiften für die Wissenschaft” in the Wallsaal of the Bremen public library’s main branch.