Audio Tour: Celebrities explain the University Library

The SuUB is receiving celebrity support for its new audio tour: For example, Jan Böhmermann and Tim Borowski explain how the SuUB works. Celebrities will, for example, describe how to borrow books or what the break disks actually do.

Anyone who wants to get to know the Bremen State and University Library can now do so via a German-language audio tour. Famous Bremen residents have been recruited for the tour: Arnd Zeigler, Jan Böhmermann, Malte Battefeld, Bärbel Schäfer, Grillmaster Flash, Tim Borowski, and Malte Janssen are among the voices of the 12 service stations.
"We are very happy about the celebrity support and would like to thank the participants," says Maria Elisabeth Müller, director of the library. "With this new offer, we would like to bring our diverse range of services to a broader audience and perhaps also break down barriers. I hope that many people will take advantage of this offer."
The stations can be accessed individually via a QR code: at home, on the road, or even directly on site at the library's headquarters. The complete tour takes around 30 minutes.

Further Information:



Anke Winsmann
Press and Public Relations Officer
State and University Library Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-59572
Email: oeffentlichkeitsarbeitprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Anyone who wants to get to know the Bremen State and University Library can now do so via a German-language audio tour.