Online Now: A Bibliography Especially for the State of Bremen

Every year, books and essays about Bremen are published – in print and digitally. To make it easier to find them, the SuUB has released the digital "Bibliography of Bremen" to the public. Interested parties can search for free in approximately 23,000 titles concerning Bremen.

The publications that have been and are being published in Bremen and about Bremen are very comprehensive and go far beyond what is generally visible from Bremen publishers or journals. The range of topics is as colorful and diverse as the city itself. But how can you find what you are looking for, especially if the title doesn't make it clear what it's about?
In such cases, the new "Bibliography of Bremen" can help. It is freely accessible online at
June 1 is the day of the "Linz Diploma," with which Emperor Ferdinand III elevated Bremen to the status of an immediate free imperial city in 1646, thus sealing the city's long history of freedom. For the Bremen State and University Library, this was a fitting occasion to release the digital Bibliography of Bremen to the public.

If, for example, you want to know what went on under the heading "Thomas catastrophe" and what this had to do with Bremen and Bremerhaven, or if you want to find out more about North German Lloyd, then the Bibliography of Bremen is the first port of call for a more detailed literature search. The state bibliography, which is compiled by the Bremen State and University Library, currently lists around 23,000 articles with indexed content.

The aim is to make the contributions published from and about Bremen since 1955, whether as monographs, anthologies, or articles in journals, easy to find. In addition to the publications from Bremen publishers, all association journals in Bremen and Bremerhaven are also being evaluated. The spectrum ranges from the announcements of the "Bürgerparkverein," Rhododendron Park Bremen, the publications of the "Club zu Bremen" or the "Club zur Vahr Bremen" to communications of the allotment garden associations, the small animal breeders' associations, the "Kulturhaus Walle - Brodelpott e.V.," and the Bremen yearbook of the "Historische Gesellschaft Bremen e.V." (Bremen Historical Society).

The Bibliography of Bremen contains information on all areas of life and knowledge, on high culture, as well as on everyday life in Bremen. Interested readers will find contributions on regional history, natural history, law and administration, economy, population and social affairs, art and culture. SuUB Bremen is cooperating with the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library (GWLB) Hanover in the creation of the Bibliography of Bremen and is using the information infrastructure of the Bibliography of Lower Saxony already established there.

Further Information:

The "Bremische Bibliographie" is freely accessible online at



Anke Winsmann
Press and Public Relations Officer, State and University Library Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-59572
Email: oeffentlichkeitsarbeitprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



SuUB Bremen
The SuUB has released the digital "Bibliography of Bremen" to the public.