“Places Available for Master‘s Degree

In cooperation with the Chamber of Labour, the University of Bremen is offering a master’s degree in “Work – Advice – Organization” with three certificate programs. There are still places available on the course which starts in the beginning of October. Applications are possible at short notice.

The changing world of work is also making the demands on workplace representatives more complex. Representatives are therefore required to professionalize their role, as well as their use of academic research. This helps to safeguard jobs and ensure changes at the workplace are structured strategically with a participative approach. In addition to basic advisory skills, workplace representatives require knowledge of occupational research relating to the design of work processes and need to be able to conceptualize and initiate participatory processes. Expertise in organizational and personnel development is also desirable.

The “Participative Personnel and Organizational Development” Component Set for Launch in October 2022.

The “Work – Advice – Organization” master’s degree program allows workplace representatives – such as members of works councils or staff councils – to obtain a continuing education qualification that is specific to their role. The “Participative Personnel and Organizational Development” component will be launched in October 2022. It supports participants in their goal of helping to shape personnel planning and development strategically and sustainably, for example within the context of change processes or personnel development that takes into account family circumstances and the employee’s age. The component can be taken as part of the master’s degree program or as an independent certificate.

The program is organized by the Center for Labor and Politics – zap (Zentrum für Arbeit und Politik) in cooperation with the Academy for Continuing Education at the University of Bremen and the Bremen Chamber of Labour.

Dr. Simone Hocke from the Center for Labor and Politics at the University of Bremen provides one-to-one advice; phone: +49 421 218-67707, email: s.hockeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

Further Information:



Astrid Rehbein
Academy of Continuing Education
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-61609
Email: rehbeinprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Two teachers working on a flipchart in front of an audience.
The “Work – Advice – Organization” master’s degree program allows workplace representatives – such as members of works councils or staff councils – to obtain a continuing education qualification that is specific to their role.