Close Strategic Partnership between the Universities of Bremen and Cardiff

Around 30 students from Cardiff University and the University of Bremen are exchanging ideas on the subject of Sustainability & Entrepreneurship and are developing sustainable business ideas. The meetings take place partly online and partly in person. The results will be presented on September 21.

During the seven workshop days from September 11 to 21, 2023, around 30 students from both universities will develop sustainable start-up ideas in international and interdisciplinary teams. At the end of the program, they will present their ideas to a jury in Bremen. Experts from Cardiff and Bremen will hold workshops on idea generation, validation, marketing, pitching, and start-up cultures in the UK and Germany. In addition, students can exchange ideas with entrepreneurs from sustainable startups in Cardiff and Bremen. The program also includes a cultural exchange between the two cities and universities.

Focus this Year Is on Net Zero Emissions and Biodiversity

This year, students from Cardiff University and the University of Bremen are working on real-life challenges faced by the two universities, focusing on net zero emissions and biodiversity. These issues will be addressed by Dr. Doris Sövegjarto-Wigbers, managing director of the Sustainability Forum and environmental management coordinator, and Marko Rohlfs, professor for chemical ecology and BreGoS (Bremen Goes Sustainable) coordinator. During the second week, at the University of Bremen, there will be a campus tour with a focus on sustainability for the participants.

Anyone interested is invited to attend the final pitches on September 21 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Cartesium building. On September 20 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Heatrix will report on its experiences in the start-up process at Digital Hub Industry, Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 6A. Heatrix has developed a technology that is able to continuously supply energy-intensive industrial processes with CO2-neutral process heat up to 1500 °C. This way, it is able to replace fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions.

Please register with kontaktprotect me ?!bridge-onlineprotect me ?!.de.

Close Longstanding Partnership between the Universities of Bremen and Cardiff

The Universities of Bremen and Cardiff are linked by an extensive strategic and dynamic cooperation in many fields. In March 2019, they founded the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance. The Bremen-Cardiff Initiative on Sustainability & Entrepreneurship also emerged within this framework.

“The seven-day joint program represents a highlight in our cooperation. Students from both universities are working together to find solutions to the challenges of the future. They are working in international and interdisciplinary teams and gain invaluable experience for their professional field,” explains Professor Michal Kucera, Vice President for Research and Transfer at the University of Bremen.

The initiative is conceived, organized, and facilitated by colleagues of the Global Opportunities and Entrepreneurship Team of Cardiff University, UniTransfer/BRIDGE, and the International Office of the University of Bremen.

Further Information:


Meike Goos
University of Bremen
BRIDGE Entrepreneur Support Network
Acting Managing Director
Phone: +49 421 218-60346
Email: meike.goosprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


During the seven workshop days the students from both universities will develop sustainable start-up ideas in international and interdisciplinary teams.