Success for Social Sciences Collaborative Research Center at University of Bremen

The German Research Foundation (DFG) will continue the CRC 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy.” This will encompass funding of around 15 million euros over the next four years. The second funding phase will begin on January 1, 2022.

“I am very pleased about the great success of our university and its partner institutions,” says the President of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. “Collaborative Research Centers are some of the biggest and most significant research networks that the DFG  funds. The social sciences CRC carries out important foundation research, the findings of which are elementary for the further development of the fields of politics and society on a global level.”

Alongside SOCIUM as the lead institute, other research institutes and facilities at the University of Bremen, Jacobs University Bremen, Bielefeld University, and University of Duisburg-Essen are involved in the CRC 1342. In 15 sub-projects, around 70 researchers from the fields of political science, sociology, history, geography, law, and computer science are investigating the global development of governmental social policy. The countries of the Global South are systematically included.

Key Question: Who Profits from Social Security and to What Extent?

To date, the CRC 1342 has concentrated on the analysis of national, international, and transnational mechanisms of action, which have decisively influenced the introduction of social security systems and their structuring. “The main task in the coming four years will be the analysis of inclusivity and the scope of service of governmental social policy. In short, we’re addressing the question: who profits from social security and to what extent?,” explains the CRC spokesperson, Professor Herbert Obinger.

The CRC 1342 consists of two project areas: The six sub-projects of area A investigate the dynamics of various social policy fields from a global and historical perspective; macro-quantitative analyses are expanded on by means of individual country studies. The eight sub-projects of area B carry out case studies and country comparisons for the chosen nations / regions as well as specific social protection programs; the main focus lies on qualitative investigations that are expanded on by means of quantitative analyses.

Much like the CRC has done so far, all recorded data will continue to be fed into the Global Welfare State Information System (WeSIS). This web-based, interactive information system will be opened up to the public during the new funding period. In this way, research institutes and the general public across the world will be able to use the WeSIS data for free for non-commercial purposes.

The Involved Research Institutes and Facilities:

  • SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy, University of Bremen
  • Institute of Intercultural and International Studies, University of Bremen
  • Information management Research Group, University of Bremen
  • Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen
  • Institute of Labour and Economy, University of Bremen
  • Institute of Geography, University of Bremen
  • History Department, University of Bremen
  • China Global. Center for the Study of China and Globalization, Jacobs University Bremen
  • Centre of European Law and Politics, University of Bremen
  • Institut für Soziale Arbeit und Sozialpolitik, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University


Further Information:

You can read the DFG press release here:

The CRC 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” website:

Twitter: @SFB1342



Philipp Jarke
Science Communication
University of Bremen
CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Phone: +49 421 218-58573
Email: pjarkeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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