University of Bremen Involved in KD²School Graduate Program

Experts from the University of Bremen are involved in the new graduate school “KD²School – Gestaltung von adaptiven Systemen für ökonomische Entscheidungen.” It is one of 17 new graduate schools that the German Research Foundation will fund with 92 million euros from the fall onwards.

Researchers from the fields of information systems, economics, psychology, and computer science from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the University of Giessen, and the University of Bremen are working together in a new graduate school. They want to understand context-dependent, economic decision-making processes and create relevant IT-based systems for the support of economic decisions. The adaptive systems are to change according to the situation surrounding the decision and “improve themselves.” Professor Christof Weinhardt from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is spokesperson.

“One example for the interdisciplinary approach is a PhD project, in which biosignals from brain activity and gaze tracking is analyzed and is then interpreted using machine learning processes (Bremen, computer science). When shopping, this is then linked to economic adaption mechanisms (Giessen, information systems) and behavioral consumer framework models (Karlsruhe, economics) in order to promote a healthier consumer behavior by means of targeted nudges,” says Professor Tanja Schultz, co-spokesperson of the new graduate school and head of the Cognitive Systems Lab at the University of Bremen. The computer scientist and her colleague psychologist Professor Manfred Herrmann (neuropsychology and biological psychology) are involved in the KD2School.

Virtual Networking of Laboratories

A further aim is the virtual networking of the involved laboratories. The first step has already taken place with the linking of the biosignal lab (Schultz) with the MRT in the NeuroImaging Lab (Herrmann). In the frame of KD2School, it is planned that the KD2Lab in Karlsruhe and the DecIS-Lab in Giessen are connected. Tanja Schultz, who came to the University of Bremen from KIT in 2015, was a founder of the KD2Lab.

Professor Tanja Schultz and Professor Manfred Herrmann are both executive board members of the high-profile area Minds, Media, Machines (MMM) at the University of Bremen. Over 300 researchers work on topics related to artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning, data science, as well as social media and mobile communication within the area.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Schultz
Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL)
Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-64270
Email: tanja.schultzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Experts from Bremen are involved in a new graduate school, which is a collaboration between three universities.