University Foundation and Trust Foundations Funding 16 Projects

The board of trustees of the University of Bremen Foundation, together with the trust foundations, is funding 16 new projects. They will receive funding worth around 60,000 euros. Topics include Bremen's colonial past, climate protection, climate justice, and transnational literature.

"Once again this year, we have received many innovative and courageous ideas that university researchers would like to put into practice," commented the president and chair of the board of trustees of the university foundation, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. "They show that research is being conducted on relevant issues in Bremen," he added. "I am pleased that thanks to the great commitment of our donors and the voluntary members of the board of trustees, we can contribute to making this even more successful."

The search was on for transfer-oriented projects that contribute to sustainable development or strengthen social cohesion and provide an impetus for solving current problems – explicitly including the areas of equal opportunities, medicine/health, and sustainability/climate protection. The following projects are now being funded this year:

1.         Prof. Dr. Claudio Franzius: Anniversary conference of the Association of Teachers of Constitutional Law ("Staatsrechtslehrervereinigung") (University of Bremen Foundation, Manfred and Ursula Fluß Foundation).

2.         Dr. Georgia Gödecke: Talk show/scientific communication on foreign language didactics/research (University of Bremen Foundation)

3.         Prof. Dr. Sabine Doff/Dr. Uwe Spörl: “Alternative Poems for Germany. Bremen Contributions to a Contemporary Cultural Education” (University of Bremen Foundation)

4.         Dr. Norman Aselmeyer: New Remembering: Bremen and the Legacy of European Colonialism (workshop and publication) (Dr. Heino Rose Foundation)

5.         Tobias Dietrich: Lecture Series: Critical Porn Studies - Artistic-Media Positions and New Perspectives (University of Bremen Foundation)

6.         Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra: Workshops on supply chain resilience of manufacturing companies in Bremen (Bremen SCR) (Manfred and Ursula Fluß Foundation)

7.         Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp: DGPuK Conference "Automation of Communication and Automated Media: Challenges for Communication and Media Studies" (University of Bremen Foundation, Manfred and Ursula Fluß Foundation)

8.         Dr. Denis Pijetlovic: Online lecture of the Virtual Academy of Sustainability on the topic of climate protection & climate justice (University of Bremen Foundation)

9.         Stefan Königstein: Ocean Limited - The Game of the Oceans (University of Bremen Foundation, Dr. Heino Rose Foundation)

10.       Dr. Detta Sophie Schütz: ZDL School Goal-Oriented Dialogical Reading (Dr. Heino Rose Foundation)

11.       Luisa Rebecka Meyer: Strategy development for a resource-saving search for new, bioactive agents (Iris and Hartmut Jürgens Foundation)

12.       Prof. Dr. Karen Struve / Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Arend: Global° Festival for Transnational Literature: Literature Blog and Reading (University of Bremen Foundation)

13.       Jolina Paulssen: Determinants of Alpha Diversity in Forests (Iris and Hartmut Jürgens Foundation).

14.       Inga Labuhn: Sustainable Energy Use for Buildings - A Case Study on Energy Consumption at the University of Bremen to Identify Energy Saving Potentials (KELLNER & STOLL - FOUNDATION FOR THE CLIMATE AND THE ENVIRONMENT)

15.       Dr. Margrit E. Kaufmann: Visualization of prejudice-led crimes against persons labeled as "foreign" in Bremen (University of Bremen Foundation)

16. Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros: 18th project of the series "From the Files to the Stage" (Manfred and Ursula Fluß Foundation, Iris and Hartmut Jürgens Foundation)

In response to the call for proposals issued by the University of Bremen Foundation in January, 22 applications for funding were received by the end of March from researchers at the University of Bremen with an application volume of around 90,000 euros. Once a year, the foundations jointly discuss the projects applied for, taking into account their own priorities and funding strategies.

Further Information:

Find out more about the University of Bremen Foundation, its six trust foundations, and the projects receiving support:



Dr. Christina Jung
University of Bremen Foundation
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-60336
Email: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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