“Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus”

Engaging early-career researchers in the subject of business startups: This is the objective of Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES). The University of Bremen supports the YES program. It is one of eleven universities to have received the “Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus" certificate.

How much startup is in your PhD? This is what the Young Entrepreneurs in Science workshops are all about. From September 2020 to June 2021, around 60 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from the University of Bremen attended in particular the courses “From PhD to Innovator” and the advanced course “From Innovator to Business.” The courses are often in English and are currently held online. The objective of the program is to open up new career and development perspectives for highly qualified researchers during or shortly after completing their PhD. By means of design thinking and interdisciplinary teamwork, participants are encouraged to discover their potential and existing skills.

“Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus” is a certificate developed by the Falling Walls Foundation to recognize YES partner institutions that are contributing to the joint initiative with their ongoing engagement, promoting entrepreneurial thinking among scientists and researchers. The “Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus” certificate recognizes the high level of commitment to start-up promotion at these universities or research institutions. The Young Entrepreneurs in Science training program is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

“The University of Bremen’s Commitment to Promoting Start-Up Culture is Being Recognized”

In the past years, the University of Bremen has been involved in the internal and external visibility of the project as well as in the Germany-wide networking with about 70 YES actors from the fields of academia and business. “We are very pleased that our successful collaboration with YES has now been certified and that our commitment to the promotion of start-up culture in science and research has been recognized,” says Martin Heinlein, head of UniTransfer and BRIDGE managing director.
“The YES workshops complement our start-up promotion program and are directly aimed at PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Also, the ongoing exchange with YES on specific topics is very inspiring for our daily work,” adds Meike Goos, start-up counselor at UniTransfer / BRIDGE. In addition, the event series “Dr. Selbstständig” (Dr. Self-Employed) is held once a year at the University of Bremen in cooperation with BYRD (Bremen Early Career Researcher Development).

Further Information:



Meike Goos
BRIDGE – Supporting Start-Ups from Bremen Universities
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60346
Email: meike.goosprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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Engaging early-career researchers in the subject of business startups. This is the objective of Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES).