Petition Against Russian Attack on Ukraine

The University of Bremen has signed a petition from the “New University in Exile Consortium.” In it, the consortium condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine and declares its solidarity with Ukrainians, but also with the people protesting against the attack in Russia.

The consortium is a worldwide association of universities that have committed themselves to helping persecuted researchers. The members of the New University Exile Consortium condemn the Russian military aggression and its disregard for international law. They demand the immediate withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine. Member universities also pledge to support scholars and students who are displaced and in danger.
The New University in Exile Consortium was founded by the renowned New School for Social Research in New York City, which has a long tradition of providing refuge to persecuted scholars. In 2021, the consortium expanded into a global initiative.

Protection for Persecuted Researchers

The consortium is driven by a shared belief that the academic community has a responsibility to help persecuted and endangered scholars and to protect intellectual resources threatened by attacks on academic freedom around the world.

University of Bremen Is Committed to Academic Freedom

"The University of Bremen is committed to academic freedom," emphasizes Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner, Vice President International and Diversity. "That is why we joined the New University in Exile Consortium last year. We want to support researchers who are persecuted and have to flee. Through various formats of encounter and exchange, we want to help make the great loss suffered by researchers more bearable and open up new opportunities for them."  
The University of Bremen is also a member of the Scholars at Risk network. This is an international network of more than 500 higher education institutions in 40 countries, including more than 350 in Europe. Its main task is to protect threatened researchers and intellectuals who cannot work safely in their home countries. This is done primarily through the facilitation of temporary positions in institutions that belong to the network.

Further Information:

Information for Students and Researchers Affected by the War in Ukraine:



Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Feichtner
Vice President International and Diversity
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60041
Email: kon3protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Universität Bremen
Die Universität Bremen hat eine Petition des „New University in Exile Consortium“ unterzeichnet. Darin verurteilt das Konsortium den russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine und erklärt sich solidarisch mit den Ukrainer:innen, aber auch mit den Menschen, die in Russland dagegen protestieren.