BIPS Successfully Evaluated

The Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS GmbH at the University of Bremen has successfully passed the regular evaluation procedure for Leibniz facilities. The Senate of the eponymous association recommends that the Federal Government and States continue to promote BIPS.

Following a positive evaluation by the German Council of Science and Humanities in January 2011, the Joint Science Conference (GEK) of the Federal Government and the Federal States decided to admit BIPS to the Leibniz Association in November 2011. BIPS has been a member of the Leibniz Association and Leibniz Institute since January 2013. Each of these facilities is regularly evaluated by an external body for quality assurance purposes. Seven years after the last evaluation, an evaluation group visited BIPS in December 2017. With reference to their report, the Leibniz Senate now determines that BIPS has developed extremely successfully in recent years. The institute, which brings together disciplines ranging from biostatistics to medicine, provides high-quality research services on the basis of extensive and, above all, self-generated data sets. Following new findings, BIPS is developing important preventative measures and intensively advises stakeholders from practice and politics, according to the Leibniz Senate.

National and International Success

BIPS plays an important role in national and international epidemiological research. Together with the University of Bremen, which is also a member of the U Bremen Research Alliance, it has created an epidemiological focus in Bremen and is intensively involved in the national NAKO health study, a long-term cohort study that explores common diseases. At a European level, BIPS has collected extensive data on children’s health with the support of the European Union. The Leibniz Senate also welcomed the appointment of BIPS 2016 as a collaborating center of the World Health Organization (WHO). The Senate of the Leibniz Association therefore recommends that the Federal Government and the Federal States continue to promote BIPS as a facility for research and scientific infrastructure.

Strategic Development Planned

“Since our first evaluation seven years ago, we have consistently developed the institute further,” says Iris Pigeot, BIPS director and statistics professor at the University of Bremen. “We are therefore very pleased that the evaluation group and the Senate appreciate our efforts in this way and particularly emphasize the achievements of our highly motivated employees. In addition, the Senate supports our future concept, advocates the expansion of our biobank, and welcomes the planned creation of three further W2 professorships as deputy heads of department and a structural expansion of our institute. We are encouraged by our chosen path.”

Additional Information:


Professor Iris Pigeot-Kübler
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS GmbH
Tel.: +49-421-2185-6942
E-mail: pigeotprotect me ?!leibniz-bipsprotect me ?!.de


Das Team des BIPS
Positive evaluation once again: the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS at the University of Bremen