Health Sciences Acquire 4.8 Million Euros

The Health Sciences at the University of Bremen have been granted funding in an amount of 4.8 million euros from Innovationsfonds (see below). The Bremen researchers owe this extraordinary success to their development of practice-oriented topics in the area of healthcare research. The Innovationsfonds is run by the German healthcare system‘s joint self-administration. It is financed by the statutory health insurance schemes and the Gesundheitsfonds, which administers their funds. Decisions on calls for proposals and grants lay in the hands of the healthcare system’s Joint Federal Committee, which above all represents the various insurance schemes and health providers – the medical practitioners and hospitals. Out of 600 project proposals, the Joint Committee selected 62: Six of them from the University of Bremen. That is 10 per cent of all the projects that will receive funding over the next three years.

Recipients of funding on the Bremen side are the SOCIUM – Research Center for Inequality and Social Policy, the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) the University of Bremen, and the Leibniz Institute for Epidemiology and Prevention Research (BIPS). Either independently or with partners, or as participants in new forms of healthcare provision, they will now start projects running up to 2019 which are designed to improve the situation of patients and stakeholders.

Research topics made-in-Bremen and with Bremen participation:

Together with other cooperation partners, Professor Rothgang from SOCIUM and his team comprising Professor Ansgar Gerhardus, Dr. Guido Schmiemann and Professor Karin Wolf-Ostermann from the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) will be investigating “Needs equity in the medical treatment of patients in need of stationary care”.

How to avoid being admitted to a nursing home is the topic of a large-scale survey of affected persons and other stakeholders. The project is led by Dr. Dirk Peschke; his cooperation partner is Karin Wolf-Ostermann, both from IPP.

Dr. Guido Schmiemann (IPP) is cooperation partner in a project embedded in the University of Oldenburg. The object of investigation is the hospitalization and emergency hospital treatment of nursing home residents.

The Leibniz Institute for Epidemiology and Prevention Research (BIPS) will carry out “Investigations on the safety of prescribed medicaments in pregnancy based on routine data in Germany”. The project leader is Professor Ulrike Haug and cooperation partners are also involved here.

Likewise led by Professor Ulrike Haug, the BIPS is also researching misuse in respect of colonoscopy in Germany. This project also involves partners from hospital practice.

Pharmacovigilence is at the center of the sixth funded project in Bremen. This research project is led by Professor Iris Pigeot-Kübler from BIPS.