New Trust Foundation: Bremen Citizen’s Pro-Active Commitment to the University

The University of Bremen has gained another trust foundation. Dr. Heino Rose, a retired specialist for internal medicine and gastroenterology, wants to support teaching and research projects at the University.
This is the fifth sheltered foundation to be founded under the umbrella of the university. In expressing his gratitude, the University’s Director of Finances and Administration, Dr. Martin Mehrtens, promised that, “The foundation proceeds will be used to generate fresh impetus in the areas of teaching and research as well as the advancement of early-career researchers.”

Foundation founder speaks highly of studies for seniors

For the 67-year-old, who came to the University to sign the contract on his bicycle, this support is a logical consequence of the experiences he made. “I've known the university for a long time,” he said. Not only did he regularly use the Unibad swimming, but since his retirement he has taken part in seminars offered for senior citizens. “In the coming winter semester, I will attend seminars on literature, history, and politics.” Since 2015, he has been learning and getting to know the campus this way. “At first I didn’t find buildings like GW2 very appealing,” confessed the doctor. “When it was built in the 1970s, it was considered to be very modern.” It reminded him of his alma mater in Saarbrücken, where he once studied medicine. He gradually did manage to find his way around the campus, though, and felt very comfortable at the university.

“Great place to study”

Chancellor Mehrtens made it clear that the money would be used to finance research proposals coming from inside the University. A board of trustees, including the President of the University, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, and a former Vice-President, Professor Heidi Schelhowe, will evaluate the proposals and allocate the funding. Dr. Heino Rose especially welcomed the idea of supporting young scholars and scientists. Mehrtens said “I am convinced that, in the medium term, we need more private support for science as the education authorities will be unable to keep up the quality all by itself in the longer term.” Dr. Heino Rose summed up: “I’m having a great time studying here”, and thanked him for it.


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Nach der Vertragsunterzeichnung: (von links) Kanzler Dr. Martin Mehrtens und Stifter Dr. Heino Rose