Targeted Support for International Students

The need for young academics in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and engineering – the so-called STEM subjects – is particularly strong. The University of Bremen has subsequently decided to strengthen its support for international students studying STEM disciplines and launched a project called “Orientation – Advice – Go”. The project aim is to develop a new app. It has met with praise from the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany and other partners. The University has already been granted 50,000 euro for its implementation, which will start next year.

The app provides answers to many important questions

The new app will customize existing offers to make it easier for prospective students of STEM subjects to find orientation and get their studies off to a good start. It will walk them through the different options, give practical tips, and provide details of persons they can get in touch with to get advice. It will also provide answers to the most important questions first-year students are likely to have. The app will be constantly updated and supplemented with modules dealing with program-related topics. Moreover, it will be networked with existing offers such as the HERE program (Higher Education Refugee Entrance), an information service for displaced persons seeking to study at a university in Bremen.

Internationale Studierende an einem Tisch
Eine neue Heimat, eine fremde Sprache: Für internationale Studierende bringt der Studienstart einige Herausforderungen mit sich