Reports from China
1. Dalian University
1. WiSe 15/16, Public Health, Master
2. Dalian Maritime University
1. WiSe 16/17, BWL, 2. WiSe 16/17, BWL, 3. WiSe 16/17, BWL,
4. WiSe 16/17, BWL
3. Macau University of Science and Technology
1. WS17/18, BWL, 2. WS17/18, BWL, 3. WS17/18, BWL, 4. WS17/18, BWL,
5. WS17/18, BWL, 6. WS17/18, BWL, 7. WS17/18, BWL,
1. SoSe 2017, BWL, 2. SoSe 2017, BWL, 3. WS 16/17, BWL, 4. WS 16/17, BWL,
5. WS 16/17, WiWi, 6. WS 16/17, BWL, 7. WS 16/17, BWL, 8. WS 16/17, BWL
4. Jiao Tong University
1. WS 17/18, Produktionstech., 2. WS 17/18, Produktionstech., 3. WS 16/17, Politik,
4. WS 16/17, Sozialpolitik, 5. WS 16/17, Sozialpolitik, 6. WS 15/16 , Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
5. Tongji University
1. WS 16/17, BWL, 1. WS 15/16, Digitale Medien
6. Universität Shanghai
SILC Business School
1. WS 17/18, Wirtschaftsingenieruwesen, 2. WS 17/18, BWL, 3. SoSe 2017, BWL,
4. WS 16/17, Wirtschaftsing., 5. WS, 16/17, Wirtschaftsing., 6. WS 16/17, BWL,
7. WS 16/17, BWL, 8. WS 16/17, BWL, 9. WS 16/17, BWL
Sydney Institute of Language and Commerce, Shanghai University
1. WS 17/18, BWL
Konfuzius Institut - Summercamp 2016 an der Capital Normal University in Peking
Bericht 1, Bericht 2, Bericht 3
Reports from India
NGO Sai Baba Sansthan, Delhi
Juli-August 2016, Psychologie, Praktikum
Indian Institutes of Technology, Kharagpur
1. WS 16/17, Mathematik
RCC Institute of information Technology, Kolkata
1. WS 14/15, Digitale Medien
Reports from Indonesia
Universitas Hasanuddin in Makassar
1. WiSe 15/16, Forschung auf der Insel Lombok, ISATEC
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman in Purwokerto
1. WiSe 15/16, Forschung für Masterarbeit, ISATEC
Coral Eye Station, Bangka Island, Nord-Sulawesi
1. WiSe 16/17, Biologie, Praktikum
Reports from Japan
Hosei University, Tokyo
WS 2019/20, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Zwischenbericht
Hokkaido University, Sapporo
1. WS 2018/19, HUSTEP-Programm
2. 10.08. - 04.09.2018, Hokkaido Summer Institute, Mathematik
3. Hochschuljahr 17/18, Kunst, Medien, Ästhetische Bildung
Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange – HICE, Shizuoka
1. WiSe 16/17, KuWi, Praktikum
Reports from Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar - CLUB Coworking
1. SoSe 2017, Transkulturelle Studien, Feldforschung
Reports from South Korea
1. Chung-Ang University, Seoul
1. WS 17/18, Integrierte Europastudien/Politik, 2. SoSe 2017, Soziologie
2. Kyung Hee University, Seoul
1. WS 17/18, BWL, 2. WiSe 15/16 , BWL, Master, 3. SoSe 2015, Wirtschaftswissenschaften
mizy - Seoul Youth Center for Cultural Exchange
WiSe 15/16, Kulturwissenschaft, Praktikum
Reports from Taiwan
1. National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipeh
1. WS 17/18, Politik, 2. WiSe 16/17, Mathematik, 2. WiSe 15/16, Politik
2. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)
1. WS 17/18, BWL
Reports from Thailand
King Mongkutt’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok
1. WiSe16/17, Digit. Medien, 2. Hochschuljahr 16/17, Digi. Med. 3. WiSe 15/16, Digit. Medien,
4. WiSe 15/16, Digit. Medien
King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
1. SoSe 2016 , Praktikum am Institut Col-DEM
Siam University in Bangkok
1. WS 17/18, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
Core see in Chaloklum Bay, Nordküste Koh Phangan
SoSe 2016, Ecology, Praktikum
Reports from Vietnam
Vietnamese-German University in Ho Chi Minh Stadt
1. WS 17/18, BWL, 2. WS 17/18, BWL, 3. WiSe 16/17, BWL, 4. WiSe 16/17, BWL