New Center for Deep-Sea Research Inaugurated

The new Center for Deep-Sea Research has been opened at the University of Bremen. The 4,000 square-meter facility will allow the resident research groups to integrate research and the development of new technologies. The interdisciplinary center investigates processes in the deep sea.

Dramatic climate change, sea-level rise, and energy production from the oceans are presenting researchers, politicians, and society with new complex tasks. A sound understanding of the processes is important in order to meet the challenges posed by environmental changes.

“The Center for Deep-Sea Research is a testament to the success of MARUM, the largest university marine science institution in Germany. For decades, scientists here have been unlocking the secrets of the oceans, tracing the history of the Earth, and explaining the connections between the climate and global warming. “Bremen State and the Federal Government have provided significant funding for this new research facility,” says Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science. “The investment is justified: only by understanding how the oceans work and what impact they have on our lives can we protect them and ensure our survival. I wish the researchers every success in their important work here at the ZfT.”


Focus On the Deep-Sea Ecosystem


In the new building, research groups from different disciplines will collaborate closely to investigate the role of the oceans and the deep sea in climate change. Biological, chemical, geological, and physical processes in the deep ocean and on the seabed interact and affect the climate system and the global carbon cycle. Many of these processes have not yet been fully explained.
“ZfT is a joint effort of the Federal Government, Bremen State, the University of Bremen, and MARUM. This partnership is a strong symbol for the future of marine and environmental sciences in Bremen,” says Professor Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen. “The research here will not only expand our understanding of the deep sea, but also contribute to sustainable solutions for the challenges facing our planet.”
“The Center for Deep-Sea Research is poised to take marine research in Bremen to new heights. We are driving technological innovations for deep-sea observations and measurements, and our research on pressing ocean and climate issues is delivering practical solutions,” explains Professor Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, director of MARUM.


First Voyage of MARUM Quest 5000


The German Government and Bremen State jointly funded the building and provided funds to purchase a remote-controlled diving robot, which can reach depths of up to 5,000 meters. MARUM QUEST 5000 will be deployed on the upcoming METEOR M210 expedition to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and will replace a remotely operated vehicle that has been used for more than 20 years.
The new building will house offices and seminar rooms, highly specialized laboratories for the participating academic disciplines, and an equipment hall for the development and maintenance of large marine instruments. In addition, a cold storage hall will augment the core storage facility for the International Deep-Sea Drilling Program. The design of the ZfT is the work of the Bremen architectural firm Haslob, Kruse & Partner.

Further Information:

Photo gallery of the construction of the Center for Deep-Sea Research



Prof. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
University of Bremen
Phone: + 49 421 – 218-65500
Email: directorprotect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de





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