Now Available as Diamond Open Access Journal: The Quarterly Journal of Labour and Economic Research (VAW)

An important step in the direction of Open Science: Since the beginning of the year, the Quarterly Journal of Labour and Economic Research has been freely accessible for authors and readers.

The transition to Diamond Open Access publication was made possible through the joint funding of OLEcon (Open Library Economics, an initiative of ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics) and the Bremen State and University Library (SuUB), in cooperation with Duncker & Humblot. This move underscores the VAW’s commitment to make academic findings fully accessible.

The VAW’s editorial team, led by the Institute for Labour and Economy in Bremen, is addressing topics from the labor market and society to economic and financial topics. “We want to bundle application-oriented research on a specific topic in one thematic volume, with a particular emphasis on labor and economic policy issues, and central questions for the future. In this way, we want to make well-founded contributions to current political debates,” says economic sociologist Professor Irene Dingeldey. She is a member of the editorial board and director of the Institute for Labour and Economy (iaw).

Diamond Open Access is an attractive, non-commercial publication platform – with no fees for authors or readers. Its goal is to make knowledge freely and fully accessible without financial barriers for researchers or readers. This is in line with the academic policy of the EU and German research funding organizations, such as the DFG, who have made it their goal to strengthen non-commercial infrastructures and support open access – without fees.

Social, economic, and financial scholars from the University of Bremen, as well as from the German and international research community can publish their research findings on these platforms. The journal addresses German-speaking and international researchers. “Take the opportunity to make your academic findings accessible to a broad specialist audience and support free access to knowledge!” says Dingeldey.

At the start of the project, the issues from 2024 were retrospectively made available as open access formats. The issues “Rethinking Social Partnership!” (VAW 1/2024) and “Resilience of the Banking and Finance Sector at a Turning Point” (VAW 2/2024) are already freely available, with VAW 3 and 4 to follow soon.

Further information on submission of articles and the journal’s areas of focus is available on the VAW website. For more information on scholarly open access and support services at the University of Bremen, please visit the website of the Bremen State and University Library.

Further Information:



Professor Irene Dingeldey
Director of iaw
Member of the VAW editorial board
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-61710
Email: dingeldeyprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Lydia Pryce-Jones
Open Access coordinator
Bremen State and University Library
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-59441
Email: publizierenprotect me ?!suub.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


The VAW’s editorial team, led by the Institute for Labour and Economy in Bremen, is addressing topics from the labor market and society to economic and financial topics.