14th Bremen StartUp-Lounge

“Realization” is the motto of the 14th Bremen StartUp Lounge, which will take place as a home edition on November 24. The event organizer is the university network BRIDGE, a central point of contact for students and members of Bremen’s universities for all matters surrounding starting a business.

“Realizing one’s own potential and ideas - that is at the forefront of many an entrepreneur’s mind,” says Meike Goos from the BRIDGE university network at the University of Bremen. “Especially when the initial decision of whether the first step into self-employment should be taken is being made.”

The two entrepreneur teams “Ubica Robotics” and “equalchamps” will speak of their experiences when starting their businesses at the StartUp Lounge. What helped their businesses to grow? What was in their opinion a great help? How did they use the EXIST scholarship from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and other support programs? Which mistakes would they not make again?
“We want to pass on these tips in order to inspire those starting a business and encourage them to stick with it even if there are setbacks,” explains Dr. Katrin Oellerich from the BRIDGE university network at Bremen City University of Applied Sciences.

In a relaxed and lively atmosphere, the following guests will speak about their experiences during short interviews:

Georg Bartels & Jonas Reiling from Ubica Robotics - develop autonomous scanning robots that use camera systems and artificial intelligence to create digital twins of retail stores.

Laura Elbers & Lina Soffner from equalchamps – ensure more equal opportunities in competitive sports with the help of an intermediary platform for sponsorship contracts.

StartUp Week Forms Framework

The 14th Bremen StartUp-Lounge is taking place as part of the Bremen and Bremerhaven StartUp Week. It is also part of the StartUp Lecture Series, which is being held by Bremen City University of Applied Sciences on six evenings this semester. This year, Dr. Britta Lüder, Vice President for Research and Transfer at Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, will be welcoming all guests.

During and after the interviews, there will be the opportunity to speak with the entrepreneurs and other involved parties, as well as reach out to new contacts via the chat function and with image and sound in breakout sessions.

The event will take place using Zoom at 5 p.m. on November 24.  Registration is required.


BRIDGE is a central point of contact for students and members of Bremen’s universities for all matters surrounding starting a business. The university network BRIDGE is organized by University of Bremen, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Jacobs University, and Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH. BRIDGE has the aim of improving the entrepreneurial climate at all involved universities and supporting promising ideas with entrepreneurial potential at an early stage.

Further Information:

https://www.bridge-online.de/en/events/14-bremen-startup-lounge (Registration also here)


Ubica Robotics: https://www.ubica-robotics.eu/
equalchamps: https://www.equalchamps.de/


Meike Goos (for the University of Bremen)
BRIDGE Entrepreneur Support Network
Phone: +49 421 218-60346
Email: meike.goosprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de  

Dr. Katrin Oellerich (for Bremen City University of Applied Sciences)
Administrative Unit 07- Research and Transfer
Transfer and Entrepreneur Service
BRIDGE Entrepreneur Support Network
Phone: +49 421 5905-2044
Email: katrin.oellerichprotect me ?!hs-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Sorgen für mehr Chancengleichheit im Leistungssport und haben bei den diesjährigen CAMPUSiDEEN von BRIDGE den 2. Platz in der Kategorie Geschäftskonzepte erhalten: Laura Elbers, Miguel Bebensee, Lina Soffner (von links).
They are ensuring more equal opportunities in competitive sport and took second place in the Business Concept category of this year’s CAMPUSiDEEN competition from BRIDGE. Laura Elbers, Miguel Bebensee, Lina Soffner (from the left).
Im Bereich Robotik und KI unterwegs – die Geschäftsführer Georg Bartels und Jonas Reiling (von links) von Ubica Robotics, die über das EXIST-Programm gefördert wurden. Sie stellen sich und ihre Idee bei der 14. Bremer StartUp-Lounge vor.
They work in the fields of robotics and AI - the managing directors Georg Bartels and Jonas Reiling (from the left) from Ubica Robotics, who received funding from the EXIST program. They will introduce themselves and their idea at the 14th Bremen StartUp Lounge.