17th BRIDGE StartUp-Lounge: Idea Storm

“Idea Storm” is the motto of the 17th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place at 6 p.m. on June 8, at Bremen's Digital Hub Industry. The organizer is the BRIDGE university network, the central point of contact for students and members of Bremen's universities for business startups.

At the StartUp Lounge, the founder teams from tuuli (AI-based health advice for (expectant) mothers), aisencia (AI in pathology), Aimpulse (AI in logistics), and MS Concepts (tax consultancy) will report on their experiences with starting a business. What is it that the startups have grown from? How did they use the EXIST scholarship from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and other funding programs? What mistakes would they not make a second time?

The evening is being held under the motto "Idea Storm." "Every founder certainly experiences an idea storm during the initial phase of a startup," says Meike Goos from the BRIDGE university network. "However, having good and diverse ideas is not only important in the initial phase, but also in the further startup process."

Teams from EXIST Funding Program at Digital Hub Industry

The BRIDGE StartUp Lounge will take place at the Digital Hub Industry (DHI). The Digital Hub Industry forms the basis for new ways of a lively innovation, transfer, and entrepreneurial culture. For this project, the Senator for Economics, Labor and Europe, the Senator for Science and Ports, Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen, encoway GmbH as a company of the Lenze Group, the University of Bremen, and other institutions have joined forces.

The BRIDGE university team is also part of this network of professionals, researchers, talents, and supporters. The two startups tuuli and aisencia already have offices at DHI and use the infrastructure there. They are supported by the EXIST program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection through the University of Bremen and have university professors from their respective faculties as mentors. "We, as the University of Bremen together with the BRIDGE network as well as some startups, are very pleased to be part of Digital Hub Industry and to help drive innovations arising from the cooperation between science and industry as well as business startups," explains Professor Michal Kucera, Vice President for Research and Transfer at the University of Bremen.

During and after the interviews, there will be an opportunity to talk to the founders and other stakeholders as well as to make new contacts.


BRIDGE is the central contact point for students, alumni, and members of Bremen's universities on the topic of business startups. The sponsors of the BRIDGE university network are the University of Bremen, the Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, the University of the Arts Bremen, Constructor University, and Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH. BRIDGE has the aim of improving the entrepreneurial climate at all involved universities and supporting promising ideas with startup potential at an early stage.

BRIDGE provides counseling for around 160 startup projects per year and offers more than 50 events with over 1,200 participants on all aspects of business startups. The BRIDGE network registers approximately 20 startups per year from Bremen's universities. Furthermore, the network has acquired over 9 million euro in funds from the nationwide EXIST program since 2007. The "CAMPUSiDEEN" competition, with prizes worth over 20,000 euro, rounds off each year. Since 2003, almost 800 entries have been submitted. This makes CAMPUSiDEEN one of the most sustained competitions of its kind. At www.bridge-online.de/en/starting-up-your-own-business/start-up-gallery you will find a selection of startups from the universities that have been founded so far.

Further Information:



Meike Goos
University of Bremen
BRIDGE Entrepreneur Support Network
Acting Managing Director
Phone: +49 421 218-60346
Email: meike.goosprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Panel discussion at the 16th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge
At the StartUp Lounge, successful founders talk about their business ideas and offer insights into the topic of entrepreneurship – most recently in December 2022. Photo: Matej Meza / BRIDGE