50 Times DIGITAL Kids’ University

For children aged between 8 and 12, an extensive digital program will start on June 7, alongside the OPEN CAMPUS of the University of Bremen. In the anniversary year of the University, the Kids’ University offers more than 50 different digital courses free of charge until the end of October.

“What do we know about the planets in our solar system? How can you look inside a melon without cutting it open? What does social cohesion mean and what is my role in it? These are just a few of the many questions that children will be investigating this year at the digital Bremen Kids’ University,” says Isabell Harder, Transfer Coordinator University and Schools at the University of Bremen and organizer of the Kids' University.

Knowledge Sharing in Spite of COVID-19

In spite of COVID-19, the University of Bremen will not miss the opportunity to offer events for children this year. “By now, a majority of Bremen’s school children have a tablet. And after more than one year of COVID-19, teachers and our researchers are also well versed with digital content,” says Harder. “Even though we can't currently offer face-to-face events, we want to at least meet with as many kids as possible digitally and share our exciting research with them.”
This year’s motto is “50 MAL Kinder-Uni DIGITAL (50 Times DIGITAL Kids’ University)”, and it forms the umbrella for the 50 virtual events, which can be accessed free of charge via the Kids’ University website. To mark the university’s anniversary, the Kids’ University is being expanded and will take place not only during the OPEN CAMPUS WEEK but also during summer and fall vacation. So far, there were six days of kids’ events before and during the Easter vacation.

Multifaceted Insights into Research

The popular lectures and workshops will of course also be part of this year's Kids' University, but in the format of video conferences. In addition, there are new digital formats: For instance, video instructions for experiments to try at home or at school. There will also be the opportunity to get to take virtual tours of research institutions or to talk live to researchers via video chat.
The 30 events are aimed mainly at school classes and teachers can register their classes. However, for selected events in the afternoon and during the vacation, some places are also available for individual children. More than 20 videos will gradually be published in the video section of the Kids’ University website, where they can be viewed at any time – whether in class or afterwards.

Further Information:

Registration: www.uni-bremen.de/kinderuni (in German)



Isabell Harder
Transfer Coordinator for University and Schools
isabell.harderprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Kinder-Uni: Vor Corona vor Ort - jetzt digital.
Kids's University: on site before Corona - now digital.